• Hello,

    when i implement two time-picker, i want to ensure that the value of the second one is allways lower than the value of the first one.

    So I tried to implement an additional check after clicking on “Update Profile”, but I couldn’t find out, where to add the code like:
    “if (timepicker2.val() >= timepicker1.val())

    I thought to add some code into “um-actions-profile.php”, but I couldn’t find the right function and I think this would not

    There are same more TimePickers with the same functionality, but the count of them is fix!

    Just for understanding:

    With jsfiddle.net I created the following solution for DropDown-Buttons, but I don’t know how to implement this into um-profile-form.


    <select name=”select1″ id=”select1″>
    <option value=””>– select –</option>
    <option value=”01:00″>01:00</option>
    <option value=”01:30″>01:30</option>
    <option value=”02:00″>02:00</option>
    <option value=”02:30″>02:30</option>
    <option value=”03:00″>03:00</option>
    <option value=”03:30″>03:30</option>
    <option value=”04:00″>04:00</option>
    <option value=”04:30″>04:30</option>
    <option value=”05:00″>05:00</option>
    <option value=”05:30″>05:30</option>
    <select name=”select2″ id=”select2″>


    // this function must be wrapped inside onload event
    var select1 = document.getElementById(“select1”);
    var select2 = document.getElementById(“select2”);
    select1.onchange = function() {
    // empty select2
    while (select2.firstChild) {
    if (select1.selectedIndex == 0) {
    if (select1.selectedIndex == (select1.options.length – 1))
    var o = document.createElement(“option”);
    o.value = “06:00”;
    o.text = “06:00”;
    for (var i = select1.selectedIndex + 1; i < select1.options.length; i++)
    var o = document.createElement(“option”);
    o.value = select1.options[i].value;
    o.text = select1.options[i].text;

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