I had the same issue and looking into the issue found the following which has fixed the count issue.
On the “https://newsharecounts.com” website page “How To Use NewShareCounts? Congratulations” after signing up for their Twitter code, it says:
Find this old url (now disabled by Twitter) in your code:
And replace it with our url:
But… on line 102 of “jquery.cresta-social-share-counter.js” file in the “js” folder in the “Cresta Plugin” there is an “s” in https
which should just be http
. After removing this “s” the count now works!
I don’t know if this is a temporary fix or not, but it is working for me at the moment on multiple sites I have tested.
I hope this works for you too?
If I am correct, then we need the plugin developers to make this change and release an update.