Featured Images get copied/duplicated everytime I save my source post.
Wonderful and useful plugin you have created here ! it’s awesome and it’s the best post sync for multisite I ever tried !
However, im running into a major issue which make the plugin not usable for me at the moment.
My source posts is linked to 5 other sub-sites.
The source post contains a featured image.
Everytime I save the source post, the feature image is copied/duplicated on all my sub-sites. So If I save 10 times, the featured image will be “copied” 10 times on all my sub-sites. However, the duplicated image’s source is the same, but in my media libraries of my sub-sites, it appears 10 times. If I remove any of the duplicated image file, all the 10 images break.
Is this bug would be part of your next release ?
Thanks dear,
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