• I migrated our www.ads-software.com site from one server to another after our old hosting company suspended the site and wouldn’t explain why. Used the Duplicator plugin and followed all the instructions to the letter. The only step I skipped was updating the permalinks because it wasn’t an option while I was migrating. Figured the plugin had been updated to no longer need that step or something. The domain name is the same – just changed hosts.

    Now I’m missing 40+ pages, and the entire site has reverted back to a 2014 version. I also had a lot of missing pictures on pages with the little blue question mark box. I don’t see the missing pages in the admin or on the site in the browser. All the dates in admin have 2014 as last updated. However, if I go into the FTP/folders, I see .php files and content from 2015, 2016, and 2017. My thought is that the pages might still be there, but the site’s not linking up to them properly.

    One other problem – the visual composer isn’t loading. I’ve been having to edit things completely in classic mode. I don’t know enough html to build pages from scratch. Any ideas on how to get visual composer to work?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
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  • Just verifying the plugin you used: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/duplicator/

    What were the steps you took?

    When your hosting company suspended the site I assume you still had access to the admin?

    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    Yes, that’s the plugin. I followed the steps in the video below, except for the “save permalinks” at 12:30. The steps look basically the same as the link you shared, but this video is much more detailed.

    For some reason, I didn’t see that permalink option when I was doing it. That’s why I figured the plugin was a different version that the tutorial, and maybe that step was no longer necessary. Perhaps that’s the root of the problem? The permalinks are all broken?

    I did not have access to the regular admin login on the old host – they’d locked me out. However, I did have access to the developer admin. Their previous website guy sent that link to me…would that be the reason? The link was https://dev.domainname.org/wordpress/wp-login.php. Why’s the “dev” there instead of the regular admin URL?

    Also, I noticed that the new site no longer sits in that /wordpress directory. I had to go into a bunch of links and delete that to get them to work. However, some links still worked unedited. I don’t understand why that is either. The site now sits at a root directory “public_html.”

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    That’s likely why the pages are all out of date, you have the most up to date version of what is in the staging (developer) site.

    Any possibility of backups of the recent WP site?

    Can you share the previous/current URL?

    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    Here’s the site URL: https://hollywoodprayernetwork.org

    They had no backups of the latest version of the site – I was just hired a couple weeks ago and the site went down shortly afterwards.

    I guess that developer admin would explain why all the updates of the past 3 years are missing. Crap. I have no idea what the site looked like before it went down. May have to use Wayback Machine to get a visual of the site and rebuild it if there’s no other fix. I don’t get why I can still see files in the FTP for 2015-2017 though? Those were exported by Duplicator.

    Also, any idea why all the links were/are wonky?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    It’s difficult to say what the previous developer would have done on the dev site.

    Can you give a specific example of one of the wonky links you are talking about?

    I would get in touch with the previous host and see if they will allow you to export the previous data (it never hurts to ask).

    You can get an idea of anything from the history of most sites with the Wayback Machine:


    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    Thanks for all your help – I have an entire organization counting on me to get this fixed and I have/had no clue what to do.

    If you go to this page and scroll to the bottom, all the links under the “archived” section no longer work: https://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/prayer/monthly-prayer-newsletter/

    I fixed the rest of the links. For example, some of the book thumbnails on this page were missing, so I went in and replaced the bad links with good ones to the Amazon thumbs. Not all of them were missing, but at least 50% were. It’s weird that it’s not consistent: https://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/resources/book-list/

    We no longer have an account with the previous host, so I doubt we have any access now. Even if we did, they were not cooperating with us at all in troubleshooting the site – took a week just to get a “we’ll be emailing you” response from their abuse department. That’s why we moved hosts. We were locked out of the site, and there was no resolution in view. People were complaining that the site was down. Now they’re complaining it’s out of date.

    Yeah, I’ve been trying Wayback Machine in Safari and couldn’t get it to pull up the site. Just tried it in Firefox and it worked. Looks like I may have to rebuild the site using that as a guide. Can you explain what the developer admin is? I wasn’t aware that existed. Is it something to consider using when building a site?

    Also, any idea on how to get the visual composer to work? I don’t know enough HTML to rebuild this site with just code, and I’ve only been able to use the classic composer since the move. All I get with the visual is a spinning circle in the middle of a blank content area.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    The developer site is just a secondary site where updates and new features are tested before getting pushed to the production (public facing) site.

    Some of the books were probably added on the original development site, they could have had a placeholder of some kind and then had the thumbnails updated on the public site (just a guess, it could have been 100 different possibilities).

    In your “archived” section I see the link say for Feb point to:

    It looks like the previous site had WordPress sitting in a directory called /wordpress, if you take that out of the address they work:

    You can try doing a manual permalinks update also: Go to settings > permalinks change the type to something other than what it is currently (make a note of what it is currently) and click “save changes” then change it back and click “save changes” again.

    As for Visual Composer, I would open up a ticket with them:

    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    Yes, the old site was in a /wordpress directory and I had to take out that part of the path for the links (that I already fixed) to work. The funny thing is that some of the links still work with that old url path. At this point though, I’m not super concerned about that – as long as I can get the links to work.

    I have already tried the permalinks trick you suggested and it didn’t do anything. Well, I do have a book on HTML5 sitting on the shelf. Might need to go through it, haha.

    Also, thanks for the VC ticket idea. At least I now know what the problem likely is, and I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me. I’m assuming because of the way WordPress structures their sites, there’s probably not a way to somehow get it to “see” the updated pages and files post 2014 that I can see in my FTP? I assume that those are just lost now? Making sure before I manually start rebuilding everything.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    Are there a lot of plugins installed, and could you paste them in a reply?

    Also, do the owners of the site have a Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive account etc? There is always a chance that someone set up a backup service at some point and you might find a more recent version of the DB if you look through the existing folders of the cloud storage services.

    Same goes for if you have access to the email address of the previous admin, maybe they had auto emails of DB backups.

    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    I’ve already been down the road of trying to find a backup. They’re a non-profit organization, so they didn’t have a regular website person doing maintenance on it. One of their secretaries was basically updating the pages when needed. Their previous website admin was just a freelance hire that hasn’t touched the site in 1-2 years. Now that I’m onboard, I’ve got to get them squared away with backups. They do have Dropbox, but there’s no website stuff there.

    Not sure why you need a list of the plugins, but here you go. Not all of them are activated. I definitely need to clean up the site and make it more efficient. Don’t want to use too much server resources:
    Better WordPress Minify
    Custom Facebook Feed
    Events Manager
    Gravity Forms
    Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On
    Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On
    iThemes Security
    Jetpack by WordPress.com
    MailChimp for WordPress
    PDF Embedder
    Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Responsive Image Maps
    SSH SFTP Updater Support
    Velvet Blues Update URLs
    WordPress Importer
    WP Retina 2x
    WP Super Cache

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    Just was wondering if anything else would jump out at me as an option or somewhere to look when seeing the plugin list (there was nothing that was out of the ordinary in there).

    Is the dev site on the same host as the original site that was shut down?

    If that dev site is a part of the original hosting account, I would double check any credentials you have for the original host, you may still be able to log in to the cPanel. They may have suspended the public facing URL but typically a host would leave the backend intact to allow a customer to make payments, update credit cards etc.

    Thread Starter trylikeafool


    I’m not sure where the development site is located. Will double check that. I did have access to the cPanel, but no longer now that the account’s been canceled. Looking back, I should have made a backup of the site from the cPanel before messing with WordPress. However, I didn’t understand at the time that the development admin was out of date, so I just made a backup from there before starting the migration. Thought that the developer admin had the current site, so didn’t see the need to also back it up from the cPanel. Now I think I’m screwed.

    Ive never had to migrate a site before, so I’m learning how to properly do things the hard way.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by trylikeafool.

    I have been in those situations many times, there is always someone around willing to help you figure things out along the way.

    Good luck!

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