I just updated the plugin from 1.8.3 to 1.8.6 and I can confirm there seems to be an issue with the WordPress Site Language setting.
I had it set to a non English (United States) language but after updating your plugin it seems to be set and stuck to English (United States). Trying to change the Site Language setting fails. Strange thing is that the Dashboard language is actually still displayed in the non English (United States) language …
Deactivating the plugin immediately restores the correct display and functioning of the Site Language setting in the General Settings page …
Really think this needs your immediate attention ??
Oh by the way I’m on WordPress 4.7.5, PHP 7.0.3, Apache 2.4.18, MySQL 5.7.13
error_log shows some of these (probably unrelated and PHP 7 specific):
Deprecated: Non-static method SucuriScanSiteCheck::ajaxMalwareScan() should not be called statically in C:\\trumpisanidiot\\wp-content\\plugins\\sucuri-scanner\\src\\pagehandler.php on line 187, referer: https://www.trumpisanidiot.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sucuriscan
Every class method is defined as static in the SucuriScanSiteCheck class except the last method: ajaxMalwareScan() …
Looks like our posts crossed one another. Just noticed your post (4 minutes earlier than mine). Anyway happy to hear the Site Language issue is being dealt with.
So now only expecting a short reacting on the Non-static method issue … ??
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by