1) Enable remote debugging (located on the Insertion Settings – Debugging Settings tab).
2) Describe the problem clearly. Describe what does not work as expected.
I have inserted block 1 on the home page since I downloaded the plug a long time ago, after updating to WP 4.7 or 4.8 has not worked anymore.
To date I have solved other plugins but today I need to reuse the inserter because I have to put in the PHP code.
I claim it does not work with any block of AD Inserter on the home page.
3) Describe the settings and code blocks used.
The code I put is an Ajax code, and PHP code. I’ve never set before or after the paragraph or other similar settings because I do not have to put up ads, but just pure PHP code. I point out that the same identical code in other blocks with shortcode in other pages works regularly.
4) web addresses on the post (links) of pages where the code from the above settings is not inserted correctly.