Hello Guido!
The native pagination of the page works normally, but the pagination of the Homepage does not, I realized that the pagination of the home page is of the plugin and not of the Theme. The div it contains uses the following class “vsel-nav vsel-widget-hide” I searched the vsel-upcoming.php file and found the pagination of the plugin that uses the following code:
$ Output. = ‘<Div class = “vsel-nav vsel-widget-hide”>’;
$ Output. = Get_next_posts_link (__ (‘Next & raquo;’, ‘very-simple-event-list’), $ vsel_events-> max_num_pages);
$ Output. = Get_previous_posts_link (__ (‘&’; ‘very-simple-event-list’));
$ Output. = ‘</ Div>’;
Wp_reset_postdata ();
$ Output. = ‘<P>’;
$ Output. = Esc_attr __ (‘There are no upcoming events.’, ‘Very-simple-event-list’);
$ Output. = ‘</ P>’;
$ Output. = ‘</ Div>’;
Return $ output;
However, this code is returning the following link to my page https://www.agbdesign.com.br/demo2/page/2 I have already tried custom permalinks and even rewritten the .htaccess file, but I did not succeed.