• I’m just getting my site set up. Here are a couple of issues I’d like to resolve.
    1.) Under the ‘leave a comment’ area there is some prefilled information (name, email and url) of some stuff that I keyed in long ago and doesn’t relate to the current user. Is there some way to clear this stuff out?
    2.) When I logon as a certain user, is there some way to prefill the comments fields to match the current logged on user?
    3.) Is there a way to require the user to be registered and logged in to leave a comment?
    thanks. <macmiller>

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  • 1. that’s only on your computer… cookies ??
    2. I dunno, but probably there is a solution somewhere – you just have to search…
    3. …search, search – and voila

    Hrm.. my voila wasn’t voici.

    The link apparently is down. Is there a new location, or does anyone know the how to for this?

    (I’d like to require users to be logged in to leave comments, though anyone should be able to read posts.)

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