• Hi I try run this function

    [if field=displayname value=empty]No Name[/if]

    but is no working. did i correct do “value=empty” ? tnx

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  • It sounds like you’re trying to display the text “No Name” when the field “displayname” is empty (or are you actually storing the string “empty” in the field “displayname”?)

    Anyhow, if I’m understanding you correctly, I think what you want is:
    `[if field=display][else]No name[/if]

    That would display the text “No Name” if the field “displayname” had no value assigned, otherwise it would do nothing.

    Thread Starter magneto664


    oh– yeap i try first option, and i totally forget about else loop – tnx.
    `[if field=display][else]No name[/if]


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