Uploading themes
How do i upload themes for my blog? The explanation that is given doesnt help me much.
watch my video(s):
Ok thanks ill check it out
Ok i downloaded filezilla but it doesnt look like the one you have on the screen and i dont know what is my web server password, who is my web server?
i dont know what is my web server password, who is my web server?
why do you expect anyone here to be able to give you that info? and why do I feel like your ill-prepared to have a web site at all.
thats like telling me you dont know where you live, and asking me if I can tell you where you need to go.
Lol. Well i had a website with wordpress.com so i dont know bout not being prepared, im just trying to get a theme for my blog and have no idea why it should be this complicated. I tried the password from my hostgator host but that didnt work. Its easy for you to sit there and judge, but frankly i have no one else to ask so i would appreciate your help.
well .. maybe this will clear up what is somewhat frustrating about this.
you said this:
i dont know what is my web server password, who is my web server?
and then, you say this:
I tried the password from my hostgator host but that didnt work.
is hostgator your host? I already know the answer to that question, do you?
as for judging, yes, its very easy for me to judge. you want someone here to tell you who your web host is, and YET.. you managed to change your nameservers, and In order to do that, YOU had to know who your host was.
see how that works? it doesnt.
if your hostgator password doesnt work, then you need to speak to hostgator.
LOL … or perhaps he hasn’t activated his FTP account and new password from his host.
I have to agree – if uploading a theme is this difficult – he probably shouldn’t be attempting this and should stay with WP.com where it’s done for him. Uploading a theme is NOT COMPLICATED at all. Whether he uses wooami’s choice of FTP program or not – an FTP program is an FTP program. They all basically work the same.
Ok look i was a little irritated yesterday so i asked some stupid questions. I know my host is hostgator and that i must use the password there. But it didnt work and how was i supposed to know my FTP account should be activated, i dont even know what the is?! Im just asking for a little help and i pretty much got it all set up, i would just like a decent looking theme. But if you people dont want to help me thats fine, i will make this work with or without your help.
Sounds like you’re still aggravated.
Listen – on your control panel, there should be an area to add features. Look for FTP. Activate it. Different hosts do this different ways, so only someone who uses hostgator could tell you exactly how to do it with them. You usually get an ftp account name and choose a password for it.You install an ftp program – filezilla, cute ftp, ws_ftp, or whatever. You enter the info from the account you just created and create a profile for the account. You add your url (minus the http stuff), the host name, the account ID, your password.
When the profile is complete you click on connect – or however your program specifies. You click the host panel until it shows the wp themes subfolder – where your new theme will go.
Your theme should be extracted on your hard drive with all subfolders and files. On one side of the ftp program you should see your new theme and folders/files, on the other your wp install at your host. When your home folder shows your new theme and the host panel shows your wp/themes folder, your highlight the new theme and then click transfer and you should be asked something like do you want to transfer all files and folders? You click yes and it happens.
Your new theme is now on your host in your themes folder. Now look for a tag (different in each ftp program) and look for chmod. Highlight the new theme and click chmod – it will ask if you want to change file permissions. You click yes and set to read/write. Now you can edit your new theme as you want. Close ftp.
On your wp dashboard you should now see the new theme listed in the themes panel. Click on it to activate it and you can use the theme editor to make any changes you want and use the preview tab to view it.
KEEP the original theme files on your home system in case you change something you can’t recover form and just ftp the original back if you need to.
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