To import the file into WordPress, I recommend Really Simple CSV Importer. It still works well despite not being updated recently.
But first, you will need to edit that file. If you are on a PC, I recommend the free version of Ron’s Editor.
Tip: Don’t edit the original file. Always work on a copy.
The first line needs to be a header record that identifies the fields. Here’s an example of a header record and one testimonial:
wpm-testimonial,publish,2007-08-31,"The Backstreet DJ's were great.","They kept the party jumping and everyone had a good time. The music was a hit with the guests.",Roma Sison,backstreet-djs
The minimum required fields: post_type, post_status, post_date, post_content.
client_name is a custom field.
tax_wpm-testimonial-category is the testimonial category slug (not the name). That’s optional.
I think this would be your current header record:
You will need to delete the post_id field in each record.
You will need to add post_type and post_status for each record like the sample above.
It looks like line breaks and/or list items were stripped during export. For example,
Accueil très chaleureuxRestaurant décoré avec go?tRepas copieux, raffinéUne soirée très réussie.
should have at least a space between chaleureux and Restaurant. Reinstating paragraphs could be done in the file by wrapping each segment in <p>
tags but it’s probably easier to do that in the WordPress post editor where you can just hit Enter to create paragraphs.
When you’re ready to import, make a backup first. If you need it, I recommend BackupGuard for this sort of thing. It allows you to backup the database only which is all you would need to restore if something goes wrong.
Import the file. Check the testimonials. If something did not import properly, restore the database, fix the import file, try again.