on_sent_ok depreceated
first of all i just wanted to thank you for developing such a nice plugin. I didn’t have any problems with it since few years.
I am just concerned with upcoming depreciation of function ‘on_sent_ok’. I was using it on lot of projects to push some GA/FB events and trigger some DOM manipulation for confirmation messages etc.
I saw that in 4.9 you are throwing out depreciation notice so i guess it is coming to an end.
IMHO functions declared can’t be easily moved to DOM, it requires extra time to work on it. Also having on_sent_ok in dashboard is really helpfull solution for non-programmers to chnage some behaviors.
My question is if could you add some filter/option to support this as legacy feature in next releases just by adding some non-default enabled option? I am aware of security-risk but it would be great to not be forced to convert lot of logic on site.
So we could assume that with upcoming update you will disable it entirely and it will stop to work. But it would be great to be able to enable it in wp-config or functions.php like this:
define ('WPCF7_on_sent_ok', true );
I guess it’s better to not drop future updates just in favor to keep this option, and just be aware of potential security issues.
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