Hi Thoughton,
Thanks for using Caldera Forms, it means a lot to us. I’m extremely sorry you’re experiencing this issue.
This looks like it might be bug. If you could open a bug report following the template in its entirety here: https://github.com/CalderaWP/Caldera-Forms/issues/new, you will put this bug into our workflow. You will also be able to track our progress on resolving it, or get additional information if it was not a bug. Please note that the issue tracker is not a fast support channel – if you need an immediate workaround, you should open a ticket at calderaforms.com/support and we will take a faster look.
As a final note, please remember to fill out that form completely. We need this information to resolve the bug for you. If you don’t fill it out, the bug report may be closed without resolution.
And for now, you can get an older version of Caldera Forms in one of two ways:
On this page, at the bottom is a way to download older versions:
The plugin WP Rollback can switch a WordPress plugin to an older version:
I promise we’ll take a look at when we can.