Well, I can see that you removed .site-branding div from .head-overflow . So If you know how to do that than you will know how to add new div inside .head-overflow element.
You should do smth like this with existing head-overflow div:
<div class="grid grid-pad head-overflow">
<!-- new code to insert inside head-overflow element -->
<div class="mystickymenu-branding">
<a href="https://www.homecis.ca/" title="HOME CANADA IMMGRATION SERVICES" rel="home"><img src="https://www.homecis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/logo-4-e1506059850475.png" alt="HOME CANADA IMMGRATION SERVICES" width="1200"></a>
<!-- end of new code -->
<div class="navigation-container"></div>
Than in your CSS (you can use plugin css style field as well) add smth like this:
.mystickymenu-branding { max width: 120px; }