Error 405, HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL
I have installed WPSOLR installed and configured it, the connection part is done, but on send the data part, it shows the following error.
An error or timeout occured. Error code: parsererror Error message: SyntaxError: Unexpected token P in JSON at position 0 Posts excluded from the index:<br><b></b><br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED - Beginning of new loop (batch size) *******<br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED - Query documents from last post date *******<br><br>Query:<br><b>SELECT ID, post_modified, post_parent, post_type FROM wp_posts AS posts WHERE ((post_modified = %s AND ID > %d) OR (post_modified > %s)) AND ( post_status IN ('publish') AND ( post_type in ('product') ) ) ORDER BY post_modified ASC, ID ASC LIMIT 1</b><br><br>Last post date:<br><b>1000-01-01 00:00:00</b><br><br>Last post ID:<br><b>0</b><br><br>Post to be sent:<br><b>{ "id": "2131", "PID": "2131", "title": "The illustration of Qura'an", "post_status_s": "publish", "content": " The illustration of Qura'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali available at [[OUR WEBSITE NAME] simple. Discounted Books. English. Tafseer. Farid Book Depot", "author": "Farid Book Depot", "author_s": "http:\/\/OUR WEBSITE NAME\/author\/faridbookdepot\/", "type": "product", "date": "2016-05-07T02:59:52Z", "modified": "2016-08-20T04:59:55Z", "displaydate": "2016-05-07T08:29:52Z", "displaydate_dt": "2016-05-07T08:29:52Z", "displaymodified": "2016-08-20T10:29:55Z", "displaymodified_dt": "2016-08-20T10:29:55Z", "permalink": "http:\/\/[[OUR WEBSITE NAME]\/product\/the-illustration-of-quraan\/", "comments": [ ], "numcomments": 0, "categories_str": [ ], "flat_hierarchy_categories_str": [ ], "non_flat_hierarchy_categories_str": [ ], "tags": [ ], "product_type_str": [ "simple" ], "flat_hierarchy_product_type_str": [ "simple" ], "non_flat_hierarchy_product_type_str": [ "simple" ], "product_cat_str": [ "Discounted Books", "English", "Tafseer" ], "flat_hierarchy_product_cat_str": [ "Discounted Books", "Language->English", "Tafseer" ], "non_flat_hierarchy_product_cat_str": [ "Discounted Books", "Language", "English", "Tafseer" ], "product_tag_str": [ "Farid Book Depot" ], "flat_hierarchy_product_tag_str": [ "Farid Book Depot" ], "non_flat_hierarchy_product_tag_str": [ "Farid Book Depot" ], "categories": [ "simple", "Discounted Books", "English", "Tafseer", "Farid Book Depot" ] }</b><br><br>{"nb_results":0,"status":405,"message":"Solr HTTP error: OK (405)\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text\/html;charset=utf-8"\/>\n<title>Error 405 HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL<\/title>\n<\/head>\n<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 405<\/h2>\n<p>Problem accessing \/solr\/index.html. Reason:\n<pre> HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL<\/pre><\/p>\n<\/body>\n<\/html>\n","indexing_complete":false}
It shows Error 405, HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL, please suggest what shall i do.
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