I found the culprit I think.
I have this code snippet below running to rewrite long media slugs. I removed it for now, but the logo still hops a couple pixels ??
Via customize site identity the logo height isnt constrained and the resulting render is incorrectly sized.
Maybe you can help me find the conflict with my media slug code?
function detect_image($request) {
global $wp, $wpdb;
// Allowed MIME types
$mime_types = implode("|", array('jpg|jpeg|jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif|tiff', 'ico'));
// Check if media file should be opened
preg_match("/(.+)\.({$mime_types})/", $wp->request, $is_file);
if(!empty($is_file)) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
// Check if media file exists
$filename = urldecode($wp->request);
// Check if the file is a thumbnail
preg_match("/(.*)(-[\d]+x[\d]+)([\S]{3,4})/", $filename, $is_thumb);
// Prepare the pattern
$pattern = "{$upload_dir['baseurl']}/%/{$filename}";
// Use the full size URL in SQL query (remove the thumb appendix)
$pattern = (!empty($is_thumb[2])) ? preg_replace("/(-[\d]*x[\d]*)/", "", "{$upload_dir['baseurl']}/%/{$filename}") : $pattern;
$file_url = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT guid FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid LIKE %s", $pattern));
if(!empty($file_url)) {
// Replace the URL with DIR
$file_dir = str_replace($upload_dir['baseurl'], $upload_dir['basedir'], $file_url);
// Now get the thumb dir
$file_dir = (!empty($is_thumb[2])) ? str_replace($is_thumb[1], "{$is_thumb[1]}{$is_thumb[2]}", $file_dir) : $file_dir;
// Double check if the file exists
if(file_exists($file_dir)) {
$file_mime = mime_content_type($file_dir);
// Set headers
header('Content-type: ' . $file_mime);
return $request;
add_filter('request', 'detect_image', 999);
function shorten_media_url($url) {
return get_home_url() . "/" . basename($url);
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'shorten_media_url');
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by