• Hi there,
    I am trying to change the banner to a gif file. Here’s what I’ve tried:

    -changing the banner to WordPress Default, based on Kubrick. Then I went to redalt and tried to use the Kubrickr tool. I uploaded the banner gif to Flickr, set the Creative Commons license, added tags. I did all this yesterday. Today when I try to search tags using the Kubrickr, my banner gif simply does not appear. And yet it is sitting on Flickr.

    -I added the gif banner to my website, jjsciencezap.com, so it would be there.

    -I’ve been reading the forums and the codex recommended to other ppl. I am not at all familiar with coding or any of this stuff, but amazingly I did figure out how to view the code. I put “ftp” before the site name which is probably obvious to all of you but to me that was an achievement. So I viewed the header.php file, which was empty except for > and then I looked at the styles.css file and found code, including what I think is the file name of the header. only I cannot actually get in and edit. And yah, I’m signed in – I was asked for my user name and pswd.

    Please know that I have spent hours reading posts and codex b/4 adding this topic – I know I am at a very basic level and didn’t want to bother ppl – but I am totally at a loss. Please help!!


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  • admin – appearance – editor
    this will display your theme files to modify – a list is on the right side of editor
    In Kubrick you will need to make changes in header.php and style.css to replace header

    Thread Starter magjen


    oh wow. of course it was easier than I was making it!! ok, so since i read in the codex that kubrick was harder to change, i went ahead and changed to the classic theme. in the codex, one is instructed to look for a .jpg file – but when i look at the header.php and style.css code in editor, i do not see a file name. what should i look for?

    Thank You!!!

    Classic doesn’t use a header image…just background color. If you want to use a header image, then Kubrick would be best to work with unless you want to upload a different theme. You could go to the themes directory and find a theme that allows you to change the header through the WP admin…even easier than trying to customize the Kubrick header.


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