One more suggestion: If you are running a minification plugin, such as W3 Total Cache, or Autoptimize, that could be the source of your issue.
Minification deletes parts of the AdWords conversion tracking code which are necessary for its function. The reason why this affects our plugin only since version 1.4.5 is the fact that we brought JavaScript tracking back into the code. AdWords is currently making major adjustments to the conversion tracking which require the JavaScript conversion code: https://goo.gl/11RF5d
If the reason of AdWords conversions not being tracked is minification then there are two solutions.
I’ve updated the plugin to exclude minification through Autoptimize (thanks to the Autoptimize developer there is code we can use to do that).
If minification is done through W3 Total Cache you have to exclude the /checkout/ folder from minification in the W3 Total Cache settings (W3 Total Cache settings -> Minify -> Advanced): https://take.ms/Y34M4
I’ve seen websites that have more than one minification plugin activated. In that case you need to deactivate minification everywhere. Besides it makes no sense to have more than one minification plugin active.
I hope this information resolves your tracking issue.
Please let me know if it is/was minification causing the issue. It will help me to improve our plugin.