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  • Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Hi. I don’t know why issue fixed after Optimize Database. Please check if there is an issue or not. Thanks

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804



    1) The issue come back again

    2) Clearfy is not interagte with, when active your plugin, this plugin can not be scan

    3) Please also use this plugin to scan your plugin. There is a lot of code warning un-safe


    Plugin Author webcraftic


    2. What error does the plugin throw? Can you make a short video so I can see the problem?
    Plugin inspector – this plugin can only assume that the code can be dangerous. In fact, all these warnings are not dangerous.

    For example:
    18. Unsafe/wp-plugin-clearfy/admin/pages/quick-start.php
    This code is executed when you generate an error report, which may include information about your server. It is formed only after your action.

    12. Unsafe/wp-plugin-clearfy/admin/pages/additionally.php
    Read config to check for a constant WP_POST_REVISIONS

    31. Unsafe/wp-plugin-clearfy/includes/functions.php
    Reads a template for file robot.txt

    You scan the Plugin inspector, you will also find warnings in it.

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Thanks. I understand it.

    By the way, a little outside of topic. As we had…. to remove query string from source code. Which is security, if someone copy source code they also lack many source to be available create a copy templete

    //Remove class , similar with ID, just change class to ID
    function remove_class( $src ) {
    if( strpos( $src, ‘class=’ ) )
    $src = remove_query_arg( ‘class’, $src );
    return $src;
    add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘remove_class’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘script_loader_src’, ‘remove_class’, 10, 2 );

    Can you update this to plugin, function call “remove css, id” in source code and HTML (which view source code and inspect element/firebug)

    Plugin Author webcraftic


    Your code removes the attribute class from the query string, where it might come in handy? I do not understand.

    This code will not remove classes and ids when inspect element/firebug.
    You can say the name of the plugin in which you found this code, I’ll check how it works?

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Yes i’m searching about security on Source code. I found that if someone copy source code they can create complete 100% template.

    SO the encrypt your html is too much handy job and can be broke web easy if anywrong.

    I saw the solution remove query string ver=… similar the way i want. We try to find the way to remove “class” and “ID” in source code/firebug/inspect element
    ==> If anyone try to find what plugin/theme we used via source code solution, they can’t. We don’t talk about search theme/plugin via scan web (this is job of another plugin). Your plugin is professional about hidden code from source code only.
    ==> If anyone try to copy source code, sure feel free to get it, but they can not complete the same template.

    You see, super security in source code! Can you search and make this function come true


    Plugin Author webcraftic


    About the video.
    1. Any programmer will be able to decode the hidden html. Dummy’s users can not do it themselves.
    2. The Google will not be able to index your encoded content.
    I think it is possible to encrypt id and classes of html elements. But I will include this feature in my new plugin – “Hide my wp” free. I’m developing and releasing it as a separate plugin, but it can be built into clearfy. Ok?

    All other functions I will add to this update.

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Great new to hear that this function will be available

    I think add in clearly will be better. Because all function of clearly current used to forcus on clear code in source code.

    Hide my wp is forcus on directory structure & security.

    Plugin Author webcraftic


    You aren’t right, classes can not be deleted, because the styles and events of the script are tied to classes and identifiers and much more. To solve your problem, it’s to remove the possibility of finding out the theme name and its signs of use.

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    So what do you want? You want to add function “enscript- hide css/id” in source code for both of clearly OR create new plugin?

    P/S: I doesn’t mean delete, just hide similar the way hide query string ?ver= ver= ….
    By the way, i wonder why used GTmetrix, the query string ?ver= still appear there, such as detail url request minify,404…etc

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Hi i found better solution for hide the correct class/ID. Still you want to create new plugin for this function? If so, i would share you detail link of code and idea.
    In short
    Change class/id plugin will have 3 file:
    1) Function.php (call action for plugin)
    ***change use php or JavaScript (But i guess used php for better perform web)
    2) Change-class.php
    3) change-id.php
    4) uninstall.php (which complete restore everything in safe, if the plugin is delete)

    Plugin Author webcraftic


    Please give me a link to the code for this plugin so that I can understand how it works?
    I can add this to my plugin so that you have a comprehensive tool, but I need to understand how it works.

    Thread Starter oanhtran1804


    Hi i don’t have plugin, i just search my idea around.

    Step 1: Call action and table class/id list
    It should be similar this

    Class hidden TAB:
    Table class | Change to class
    class1 | dabd575ahsvsha (these are crazy text that user can be use,
    class2 | dabd575ahsv be notice them only allow use a-z, 0-9, and “-” “_”)
    class3 | dabd575sha
    class… |
    class..n |
    We collect all class= “…” to display in “table class”.
    ==> This is why we have class..n (mean the end of all class in website from any plugin, themes, child theme ACTIVE in website”
    IF “change to class” empty. It mean that keep defaul, no change

    ID hidden TAB:
    Similar as class, but table list from id=”..”

    Step 2: Change class action now
    This link used jquery.
    BUT i think use PHP will be better speed up website. Try to test something similar this
    add_filter( ‘wph/ob_start_callback’, ‘custom_ob_start_callback’ );
    function custom_ob_start_callback( $buffer )
    $buffer = str_replace(“Powered by WordPress” , “”, $buffer);
    return $buffer;

    Please update me know, if these should work in next update? Thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by oanhtran1804.
    Plugin Author webcraftic


    I understand what you’re proposing. But it will not work! This will destroy the face of your site! Classes can not be changed without overwriting style sheets.

    You have style.css file in your templates, it contains the names of the classes, they also need to be rewritten to make it work!

    But this is difficult to do, because you can overwrite the path to images or fonts that contain part of the class name.

    With these class names, can be bind javascript events , they too will crash working.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by webcraftic.
    Thread Starter oanhtran1804



    1) I found “hide my wp” and “swift security” sale on themeforest can do change strings in source code. But the bad things they used .htaccess for action, it mean have a huge of file .htaccess

    2) BUG
    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:9:542
    It load as normal, even i setting ON “Remove jQuery Migrate” .

    3) Idea
    So can you create a plugin call all table name of class and ID? So usefull for who need handy change strings name.
    Example: Class =”my-class”, ID=”my-id”
    my-class, my-id is what i’m saying about list all table of class name used in theme+plugins active in website.

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