• Resolved txdomer


    I was going through and editing posts last night (on a fresh 2.7 install – the website isn’t “live” and open for business to the public yet), and suddenly the comments suddenly stopped displaying in the “Discussion” area on the edit post page.

    The comments still show in the Posts page listing, and they’re freely editable through the Comments section itself — but the post page will not load the comments into it at all. All I get is the spinning little wheel.

    I deactivated all plugins (although I had not added any new plugin right before the problem happened – I edited a post, moved to the next post, and the comments quit loading). No change.

    I tried accessing WP admin panel on Safari and Firefox on my Mac, and on IE and Firefox on a PC – same problem. And I cleared the cache on each browser, and restarted each computer for good measure- same problem.

    I thought maybe there could possibly be a database problem, checked all the tables in phpmyadmin – they’re all fine, no repairs needed.

    What in the world could possibly be causing this?

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