In Index.php, remove <?php the_time(__(‘F jS, Y’, ‘inove’)) ?> from the code: <div class=”info”><span class=”date”><?php the_time(__(‘F jS, Y’, ‘inove’)) ?></span>
<div class=”act”>
That will remove the date from the Posts but not, irritatingly, from Pages – the gist of my subject of yesterday which I still can’t solve.
Removing : <?php comments_popup_link(__(‘No comments’, ‘inove’), __(‘1 comment’, ‘inove’), __(‘% comments’, ‘inove’)); ?></span><?php edit_post_link(__(‘Edit’, ‘inove’), ‘<span class=”editpost”>’, ‘</span>’); ?>
from after <span class=”comments”> will remove the rest of the text and one of the icons.
In style.css, go down to /* main START */
A few lines down is a list:
.post .date,
.post .tags,
.post .author,
.post .categories,
.post .editpost,
.post .readingblinds,
.post .comments,
.post .addcomment,
.post .editlinks {
background:url(img/icons.gif) no-repeat;
Remove .post .date, and
.post .editpost,
.post .readingblinds,
.post .comments,
.post .addcomment,
and all the icons on the top line disappear. They also disappear on ‘Pages’ but other text doesn’t. (Note: deleting img/icons.gif removes all the icons, so it’s not a good idea.)
also under /* main START */ there is a code:
.post .info {
margin:5px; changing the 5 to -10 pushes the line up. However, this is also affects text on Pages which then starts to overlap with the date etc. As yet, I can’t find the code that is specific for the date,go to comments,leave comment and edit on ‘page’
Any further ideas, we’re almost there!