• Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me any information on how I need to set up Mysql for WordPress
    Thanks in advance for any information anyone offers

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  • Not sure what you mean – setup mysql, or setup a database ?
    If it’s the latter, and you have phpmyadmin, simply create a database.

    Thread Starter tom_de_schlong


    My host wants to know what he needs to do to Mysql so that it works with WordPress, do I simply need to set up one user with all permissions, What about people posting comments do i need to create a username for them as well with limited permissions.
    I dont really know what I am tlaking about here so any help would be great.
    My host wanted to know what permissions I needed to have set for the “Grant Tables”
    Please help I want wordpress so much

    No offense intended, but a host should know what to do! He needs to install MySQL on the server. Then you need 1 (one) MySQL database – you are the only user in it. You need
    – your database’s name
    – your database username
    – your database password
    – and where it is (as it says in the instructions: usually localhost, but you never know ??
    When all this is done, put the 4 info above in your config.php —- and ta-damm! start the install process

    I don’t know how to create a database. I’ve tried a php script gotten from a webpage…
    But the result of running the php script is
    success in database connection.Access denied for user: ‘nutkin@localhost’ to database ‘nutkin_temp’
    The code is listed below.
    // set your infomation.
    // connect to the mysql database server.
    $link_id = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass);
    echo “success in database connection.”;
    // create the database.
    if (!mysql_query(“CREATE DATABASE $dbname”)) die(mysql_error());
    echo “success in database creation.”;

    ‘nutkin@localhost’ to database ‘nutkin_temp’
    These two should be the same! I mean if you created a DB with the name “nutkin_temp” you have to connect to that one. So in the config.php file you should have

    My bad. They are the same. I tinkered and modified the $dbname = ‘test’ after temp didn’t work.

    OK. Now this one
    success in database connection.Access denied for user: 'nutkin@localhost' to database 'nutkin_temp'
    shows that the user isn’t added to the DB. Practically there is a DB and there is a user, but they are not able to connect ?? Are you on a virtual hosting plan with some hosting company? If yes, why don’t they provide you with a DB? Or are you hosting yourself? (in the latter case don’t rely on me <grin>, have no idea how to do it)

    I’m able to log into mysql though. ..
    $ mysql -p
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 238565 to server version: 4.0.21-standard
    Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the buffer.

    Oops, now you caught me ??
    I am a windoz guy, have no idea what all that mean ??
    sorry – this is the point where someone else, a more knowledgeble person, should take over —
    Good luck!

    I got it figured out. I was supposed to create the database using another method. Thanks for help though. ??

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