I’ll post the solution for this soon. I’m at work now.
But I must agree with Seth. It’s very simple and logical to think that the commentsbutton should only appear when there ??re comments and when you allowed them.
All in all, php and this community make WP the most flexible system around in my opinion, but still there can be done a lot about making it simpler and more userfriendly.
For instance I find it very annoying (every time I make a post) that there still is no really simple way of inserting images in posts with (optional) links to a larger image, wether that be in a new (popup)window, or embedded in the existing page. Sure, I see all the answers coming: look there and there, use that hack and that plugin. NO! An everyday thing as the use of images in posts should be a standard thing. But for now I can only see that the developers are more into the technical details and enhancing all the possibilities of WP, but they sometimes forget the most obvious. As if they are enhancing the engine but forget that the lock of the doors are still rusty en difficult to open.
I love WP :), but more time should be put into making it more accessible for more people, with the most common things available without the need of tweaking this or that. Speaking of this, I think the administration area itself could also use an upgrade…