Hi @giannis333333,
You’re right, there’s no such option on the plugin’s settings page. However, the new version of IMDb Connector – 1.6.0 – does have it. The new version will be released as soon as I find some users who could help me test the plugin for bugs or errors. (Interested? ?? )
It is already included in the next version which is going to be released as soon as I find some users to help me test the new version for bugs (maybe you? ?? )
About the current version:
1. The plugin should be working right of the box since an API key is in the plugin by default.
2. If it doesn’t work or you’d just like to use your own for whatever reason, you have to edit one line of the plugin files. Open this file:
At line 46 (or nearby), you’ll find this:
/** Define variables */
$api_url = "https://www.omdbapi.com/" . base64_decode("P2FwaWtleT1iY2UyMTdmZSY=");
$type = "t";
Replace the last part of the URL like this:
$api_url = "https://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=YOU_API_KEY&";
Please don’t forget the ? and the & at the end of your key.
That’s it. Save it and your API key will then be used instead of the default one (which probably won’t change anything).
Please give it a try and let me know.