• Resolved efilipe



    I create taxonomies and related them though Pages on “Attach to Post Type”.

    On a particular page, I have added on Taxonomy “city” the value “New york”.

    Not i want to use a PHP to get the value from taxonomy “city” to use ar a formula for filtering some blog posts.

    The filter should work something like this:

    $args[“post_type”] = “bands”;
    $args[“posts_per_page”] = 5;
    $args[“band_city”] = get_query_var( ‘city’ );
    This last one is returning empty


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Just some quick checks:

    The taxonomy is public?
    Have you left the “query var” option true?
    If you customized the query var value right below the “query var” select, have you tried using that value in your code above?

    Read over https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_query_var for possible gotchas?

    Thread Starter efilipe


    Public = True
    Query_Var = True
    I did not understand “If you customized the query var value right below the “query var” select, have you tried using that value in your code above?”… ??

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    See the 2nd field here: https://cloudup.com/co1mduzzfcZ

    Thread Starter efilipe


    Tested and it didnt work ??

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I’m asking if you put anything in there, or just left it blank.

    Also what’s an example URL you’re testing on? Is it the term archive? single post that happens to have a term from the city taxonomy assigned to it?

    Possible you’re in a spot where the taxonomy isn’t part of the query arguments.

    Thread Starter efilipe


    Hey Michael,

    I think I started to understand things. ?? You were a great help and I think I’m more knowledgeable now! ??

    I’m trying to do that on a page.

    This is a working argument for the loop:

    $args[“post_type”] = “br_band”;
    $args[“posts_per_page”] = 5;
    $args[“city”] =”New York”;

    The current page has taxonomy “New York” selected. But, I can’t get that information to substitute the “New York” from the arguments to an actual variable like “the_field(‘city’).

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!!

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    the_field() sounds like an Advanced Custom Fields function, so if that’s the case, their support would be best for this issue.

    Since you say it’s being done on a page, then the city taxonomy/term pairing is not likely going to be part of the query that get_query_var() looks at.

    For as much as I know the ACF plugin, you’d want get_the_field() which would return data, while the_field() would echo it out to the users.

    Thread Starter efilipe


    I totally understand you, Michael! Thank you for your pacience! As I said, I’m not a senior in this… So I have a question… ?? “Add support for available registered post types. At least one is required” there is an option for “Pages (WP Core)” on Taxonomies. But it seems that it doesn’t support. Maybe I understood those checkboxes wrong… ??

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    As far as I’m aware, that checkbox is doing what it’s supposed to, and you’re not misunderstanding anything with that part.

    Where I think some misunderstanding is is when that query_var is in play. For example, if “city” is in the URL, then I believe it potentially is. With pages, you don’t usually see taxonomies as part of the url. This is where I believe get_query_var() is looking.

    That doesn’t mean that you can’t fetch city taxonomy term information when viewing the page, you just need to use a different method. For example, with https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_the_terms/

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