• Already had PHP 5.2.0RC3-dev and MySQL 5.0.24 installed and on speaking terms. Downloaded WordPress 2.7 and installed it’s default config on W2K3. When logging in as admin, instead of seeing a wordpress page, I see a listing of items in the wp-admin directory. I can navigate there and open the edit-pages, then navigate to other admin pages (add users, add posts), but when I try to preview, I see a blank page.

    The only thing that looked useful in other posts is to remove the htaccess.html file, but this made no difference.

    Suggestions welcome – thanks.

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Solution 1
    If allowed by your host, putting this in an .htaccess file will solve the problem:
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

    Solution 2
    Some hosts allow you to make a change, via their hosting control panel, to the DirectoryIndex. It’s typically described as Indexes or Index documents, but may also require you to type something like
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
    or specify index.php as an index type file.

    Solution 3
    Instruct Apache to treat index.php as an index file. If you own the server, or have access to the http.conf file, simply modify the DirectoryIndex line in httpd.conf to:
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

    Solution 4
    Contact your host

    Thanks for this answer!
    It helped mw soooooooooo much.

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