• I recently installed WordPress 2.7 on our host. I’m totally new to the WordPress CMS, as I normally use TYPOlight, but we needed a real blog. So I was surprised to see that a basic www.ads-software.com installation is missing many of the widgets found in the WordPress.com account. I know things like box.net don’t have to be included widgets, but surely the excellent “Authors” widget should make the cut of being a default widget.

    Also, I’m surprised to find that many of the Themes available on WordPress.com are not available for www.ads-software.com, or else they are not updated to be compatible with 2.7. Themes like Redoable Lite, or Emire (to name only two of MANY). What’s the harm in offering downloads for all the WordPress.com themes? They’re kept up-to-date by the Automattic team. Let us use them!

    Basically my question is this:
    Can I easily find the same themes and widgets used by WordPress.com somewhere? Why is it impossible (or so hard) to find these things when I know they exist for WordPress.com?

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