class UM_Profile {
public $arr_user_slugs = array();
public $arr_user_roles = array();
function __construct() {
add_action(‘template_redirect’, array(&$this, ‘active_tab’), 10002);
add_action(‘template_redirect’, array(&$this, ‘active_subnav’), 10002);
*** @all tab data
function tabs(){
$tabs = apply_filters(‘um_profile_tabs’, $tabs = array() );
// disable private tabs
if( !is_admin() ) {
foreach( $tabs as $id => $tab ) {
if( !$this->can_view_tab( $id ) ) {
unset( $tabs[$id] );
return $tabs;
*** @tabs that are active
function tabs_active(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ) {
if ( !um_get_option(‘profile_tab_’.$id) && !isset( $info[‘_builtin’] ) && !isset( $info[‘custom’] ) )
unset( $tabs[$id] );
return $tabs;
*** @primary tabs only
function tabs_primary(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ){
if ( isset( $info[‘name’] ) ) {
$primary[$id] = $info[‘name’];
return $primary;
*** @activated tabs in backend
function tabs_enabled(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ){
if ( isset( $info[‘name’] ) ) {
if ( um_get_option(‘profile_tab_’.$id) || isset( $info[‘_builtin’] ) ) {
$primary[$id] = $info[‘name’];
return ( isset( $primary ) ) ? $primary : ”;
*** @privacy options
function tabs_privacy() {
$privacy = array(
0 => ‘Anyone’,
1 => ‘Guests only’,
2 => ‘Members only’,
3 => ‘Only the owner’,
4 => ‘Specific roles’
return $privacy;
*** @check if the user can view the current tab
function can_view_tab( $tab ) {
global $ultimatemember;
$privacy = intval( um_get_option( ‘profile_tab_’ . $tab . ‘_privacy’ ) );
$can_view = false;
switch( $privacy ) {
case 1:
$can_view = is_user_logged_in() ? false : true;
case 2:
$can_view = is_user_logged_in() ? true : false;
case 3:
$can_view = get_current_user_id() == um_user( ‘ID’ ) ? true : false;
case 4:
$can_view = false;
if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$roles = um_get_option( ‘profile_tab_’ . $tab . ‘_roles’ );
if( is_array( $roles )
&& in_array( $ultimatemember->user->get_role(), $roles ) ) {
$can_view = true;
$can_view = true;
return $can_view;
*** @get active_tab
function active_tab() {
$this->active_tab = um_get_option(‘profile_menu_default_tab’);
if ( get_query_var(‘profiletab’) ) {
$this->active_tab = get_query_var(‘profiletab’);
$this->active_tab = apply_filters( ‘um_profile_active_tab’, $this->active_tab );
return $this->active_tab;
*** @get active active_subnav
function active_subnav() {
$this->active_subnav = null;
if ( get_query_var(‘subnav’) ) {
$this->active_subnav = get_query_var(‘subnav’);
return $this->active_subnav;
*** @show meta in profile
function show_meta( $array ) {
global $ultimatemember;
$output = ”;
if( isset( $array ) ){
foreach( $array as $key ) {
$data = ”;
if ( $key && um_filtered_value( $key ) ) {
if ( isset( $ultimatemember->builtin->all_user_fields[ $key ] ) ){
$data = $ultimatemember->builtin->all_user_fields[ $key ];
if ( isset( $data[‘icon’] ) ) {
$icon = $data[‘icon’];
} else {
$icon = ”;
$data[‘in_profile_meta’] = true;
$icon = ( isset( $icon ) && !empty( $icon ) ) ? ‘<i class=”‘.$icon.'”></i>’ : ”;
if ( !um_get_option(‘profile_show_metaicon’) ){
$icon = ”;
$value = um_filtered_value( $key, $data );
$items[] = ‘<span>’ . $icon . $value . ‘</span>’;
$items[] = ‘<span class=”b”>•</span>’;
if ( isset( $items ) ) {
foreach( $items as $item ) {
$output .= $item;
return $output;