• Resolved Carsten Lund


    Hello, I have faced the same problem with user roles in WooCommerce as described in this old thread, except that my problem is, that a subscribers role does not change to customer in WP after a WooCommerce purchase even with ‘Enable guest checkout not’ not checked:

    mikejolley wrote: Users registered via WooCommerce are customers, and they get the customer role regardless of WP settings. FYI default_role in wordpress is usually subscriber, which isn’t really relevant to ecommerce. We want to distinguish customers from regular users.

    So why does WooCommerce, in my case, not give WP subscribers customers status after registration?


Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • ValeDeOro


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Can you share your system status report with us? You can find it under WooCommerce >> Status and then click on the purple button “get status report”. I am especially interested in the Plugins you are using, since this sounds like there might be some interference from other plugins that manage roles or impact checkout.

    Thread Starter Carsten Lund


    Hello there, and thanks!
    I came around the problem by using WooCommerce Stripe Subscription Payment Gateway plugin, where you can add user roles to registered users after purchase, and set the role to customer. But of course I will appreciate if I can make it work, without the help of a plugin.

    Here is the status report:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
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    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 3.2.6
    WordApp - WordPress to Mobile App plugin for WooCommerce & BuddyPress: by App-Developers.biz – 2.0.3 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Stripe Subscription Payment Gateway: by Wsspg – 1.0.6 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    You Have a New (BuddyPress) Message: by Markus Echterhoff – 2.0
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    Parent Theme Author URL: https://www.ads-software.com/
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    ### Templates ###
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    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    BuddyPress also defines roles for folks that sign up, so there’s a good chance that’s what is causing the registered users being marked as Subscribers.

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