Firefox Edit Post Issue Persists. Anyone with this same problem?
No one responded to my previous post about this. Has anyone experience this same issue with Firefox in your post editor?
My previous post:
No one is writing or asking about this and I can’t be the isolated issue. It’s happening on four of my WordPress installations; two of them installed locally and two installed at my host. I’ve blogged about the issue and posted a screen shot at my blog . This isn’t a shameless attempt at getting some traffic, but a serious issue that seems to be isolated to Firefox. Everything works fine in IE.
Here’s the text of my blog about the issue. Please take a look at the screenshot to see the visual of the problem.
Are any of you having this same problem? I can’t be the only one.
Another WordPress Issue. This time it’s a browser issue.
And, wow! This is an ugly issue, too. It seems the most recent update of Firefox is toxic for WordPress!!!!! At least that’s how it appears to me.
Here’s what’s going on with my WordPress installation and what I’ve discovered. The most destructive thing I’ve discovered is that I can’t open, add or edit posts in Firefox because they disappear if I do!!! Disappear and the content of those posts are replaced by one word …. Undefined. Woa Nelly! Are there gonna be some steamy people out there, if not already.
I first noticed this a couple days ago as I was creating a blog post. I was taking my time creating this blog post, so I left the browser window to my admin area open for a couple days now. Tonight, I decided to sit down and finish that darn blog off. As I looked at the screen though, something didn’t look right. I’ve only been at this WordPress blogging thing for about a month, so to me, it look odd, but I wasn’t sure.
Then I started to poke around and noticed I couldn’t switch from “Visual” to “HTML”, and why did I have two Edit Post windows open? Here’s a screenshot of what this Admin area looks like when I’m in this area using a Firefox browser.
[screenshot here]
You can see two editing windows are open. So, I went to the WordPress site to search the support forums and see if anyone had this problem. Curious, there was no one talking about it, yet some of the posts led me to believe I should try IE. Well, yep. IE is working fine. I created a post, or at least a “draft” post while in IE (where I am now) logged out and then logged in again using Firefox. Yep, there those pesky windows were, so I took the screen shot you see above and came back here, to IE , and blog this post. That’s when I noticed those words you see in that screenshot above, well, the were GONE! Woa, Nelly, again!! Firefox had wiped them out.
That’s the gist of the issue. I don’t see any solution yet. I’m sure there is one or will be one soon. Now that I have a screen shot, I can ask around if there are people having the same issue. There has to be. I’ll keep you posted when I find the solution.
Thanks for your help.
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