I am not part of support.. just some dude.
I found your question interesting… I don’t use WP Show Posts.. although I use something similar.
But I am curious… is it you want to “hide” the event by making it private ?
Or just not appear on the page ?
I did look very briefly at WP Show Posts.. and I don’t know if your generic posts are set to expire.. so they don’t show.. just as when an when an event expires.. it wouldn’t show or go to private.. and thusly doesn’t show either.
and I don’t know if WP Show Posts is mixing together Events and generic posts with one short code.
For not going the “private” method…
In your Admin-> Settings -> Events Manager ->
click the “tab” Pages
scroll down to Event List/Archives click expand
scroll down to WordPress Event Archives
click Enable Archives Yes
and below that… Event archives scope set to -> Future Events.
I don’t know if WP Show Posts shortcode overrides Events Manager.. it shouldn’t.
This method will make all your Events lists only to show future events.
If you don’t want all your Events list to be only future events..
In place of the shortcode for WP Show Posts…
Then you could use a generic Events Manager shortcode, in place of WP Show Post..
and set the scope=”future” .
[events_list scope="tomorrow" country="US"]<p>#_EVENTLINK will take place at #_LOCATIONLINK on #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>[/events_list]
above is just a quick example.. there are tons of things you can do with the above shortcode and “placeholders”, to make it appear with images and what ever you want.
Hope that helps.. with an alternative to “private”.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by