Cherry Services Single Site – Make link on thumbnail image to fullimage
I have a Single Services Site. I would like that the thumbnail image has a link to the full-image. Is there a way I could do this?In the single-services.php is the following:
$args = array( 'id' => get_the_ID(), 'template' => cherry_services_tools()->get_template( 'single' ), 'custom_class' => 'services-page-single', 'size' => cherry_services_list()->get_option( 'single-image-size', 'thumbnail' ), 'container' => false, 'item_class' => 'services-single-item', 'pager' => false, 'more' => false, 'excerpt_length' => -1, ); $data = new Cherry_Services_List_Data( $args ); $data->the_services();
The template file is this: `
%%TITLE wrap=”h3″%%
%%IMAGE link=”true”%%
%%SLOGAN wrap=”h5″%%
%%CTA%%`If i set “IMAGE link=”true”, the link destination is to the service itself. This link should be the fullsize-image (would be great with lightbox or something).
How could I change the link ( to probably ” the_post_thumbnail_url( ‘full’ ) “)?
Thank you very much in advance
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