• Hi,
    I get “Error 501 Not Implemented” when I want to POST delete tags command.
    How could I overcome this?

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  • Thread Starter msitman


    This also happens to Categories and Media.

    Users deletion returns error 400, bad request:

    Just works for Posts, Pages, and Comments.

    Does it have something to do with the plugin?

    Plugin Author Justin Greer


    I would have a look at your server configuration for the 501 error you are receiving. This is due to your service not recognizing the request.

    As for the second issue and the 400 bad request, I am not sure that this is anything to do with our plugin its self. WP OAuth Server simply allows you to authorize a call and then it passes the user to the method. If you calls are working for Posts, Pages and Comments then I would look at the REST API as well as how you are calling the users endpoint.

    Ensure that the user for that access token is able to edit the users.

    Thread Starter msitman


    Hi @justingreerbbi

    For error 400 what should I consider in server config, bud?

    For error 400 I posted a sample request, all those working requests have a similar structure.

    user 5 exists, it’s been create with a post command.

    Enpoint usage sample:

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