• I own a domain www,ayurdoc.com .I host on hostgater . On cpanel I installed wordpress through softaculous on 28 01 2018. The wordpress is successfully installed but the site is not yet appeared on my URL.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Suggest that you ask hostgator support. Among other possibilities is that your name is not correctly configured to map to your hosting.

    Moderator t-p


    First off, to rule out any hosting or DNS issue, have you spoken to your hosts about it?

    Did you set NAMESERVERS at your domain host? If your domain host is different than server host usually have to point hameservers from domain host to your web host. Also sometimes takes up to 24h for publishing.

    Is your domain provider different from your hosting?
    Do one of two way bellow:
    – #1: Go to domain manager, point its nameserver to nameserver of host. the waiting time is faster than #2
    – #2: Go to domain manager, point its IP address to your IP on hosting server.
    Login to your hosting server to see IP or nameserver.

    You have to map your domain with server correctly.

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