• ckohrman


    I just came across Alex King’s Twitter Tools plugin, and I’d like to customize the content of what is posted to Twitter.

      It currently tweets: New Blog Post: (post title)(post link)
      I would like it to tweet: New Blog Post: (post tags) (post links)

    Does anyone know how I can do this?

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  • j_wag


    I would like to add to this post – I had a similar question and didn’t want to make a new thread.

    I would like Twitter Tools to add my post tags (project 365, photography, etc) to the tweet with a # in front of each. I prefer to tweet my blog posts with the hashtags to catch particular groups and searches.

    Even just the ability to edit my tweet before it posts would be great. For example, when I click on “tweet this” on my own posts, it opens a browser window with my twitter account and the status is pre-filled with “I just read this [url]”. If Twitter tools would do that, then I could just add my hashtags and send the tweet on its way.

    For now, I have the post tweets turned off and do the above.


    Has anyone had any luck customizing the appearance of the Twitter Tools widget as it appears on your site in your sidebar?

    For example: I’d like every alternate post to have a different background color. And the ability to insert an icon or image at the top would be nice.

    I was trying to just customize the prefix on the tweets going out, and found that if you edit:
    $this->tweet_prefix = 'New blog post';
    …you could change what Twitter Tools throws in front of outgoing tweets. Technically, it seems you could hard-code hashtags into that prefix, i.e. “New post: #tagofchoice”, but no clue yet as to pulling in tags from WP directly.


    I have installed twitter tools plugin and I’d like to customize the content of what is posted to Twitter.

    It currently (default) tweets: New Blog Post: (post title)(post link)
    I would like it to tweet: (post) (post links)

    Does anyone know how I can do this?

    thank you

    I would love to have the possibility to change the ‘New Blog Post:’ prefix for individual posts or categories. Let’s hope a future version of Twitter Tools will give us this option.

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