• kennethjaysone


    I know that this is a topic that has alot of posts, but i want to learn this differently. Please guide me.

    Knowledge that i have:

    • I do know how to change file permissions in Filezilla
    • I do know what the File permission modes like 0400, 0477, 0677 mean

      Knowledge that i don’t have?

    • What permission modes to set for which folder or files?
    • When should i apply a certain permission mode and how to decide if i need to set the same permission attrributes to the files within a directory or above the directory?

    Why i’m asking this?

    I got this error:

    Unable to create directory /home/httpd/vhosts/arenabadminton.com.my/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2009/01. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Now i now that the case here is i cannot upload files to the uploads folder. Looking at the server setup via filezilla, i can see that i have the folder “uploads”


    Now how do i decide on what file permission mode to give to which directory of file in the httpdocs folder?

    Please guide me. I’m asking this because if in the future i use another feature in wordpress and it says that i need to have permission to edit/read/write/upload a certain file, i’ll know exactly where to change things and i won’t have to post repeated questions here.

    Really appreciate all the help,

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