• walfdizzle


    Unfortunately, I hadn’t upgraded wordpress since installing the software, but when I did so, I didn’t look at these instructions beforehand, and didn’t backup. I used FTP, and deleted all of my old wordpress files, and then uploaded the new ones.

    I now know I should’ve saved the config.php file, and some other things, but I didn’t. Is it possible to recreate those files?

    Also, is my blog content totally gone? I have heard I might be able to get the content from my MySQL database… is this so? Thanks.

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  • goofydg1


    wow. too bad. my condolences.

    I think your best bet would be to use phpmyadmin (a graphical admin for your MySQL database) and make a copy of your old database. Your web host admin should give you access to phpmyadmin, most do anyway. That will contain your posts (ie the text but not any media you uploaded) That will at least save your text content.

    After that, a fresh install, using a different database so you preserve the old one in case something goes crazy (but use the table prefix) and then you could overwrite tables with the data you got from the old database using phpmyadmin. Try that.

    Like I said, that won’t save your media that you deleted which would include your template with any customizations but it should be something.

    If it works, immediately make a backup. This plugin works well for me.
    https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-db-backup/. That will handle the MySQL part but then you’ll need to ftp the rest of the files so you’ll get your media.

    Good luck.

    Samuel B


    the easiest way to do this is simply go to your host’s mysql control panel and get the values for your database – you may have to change the user’s password – then create a new wp-config.php from wp-config-sample.php with the aforementioned database details.
    your new install should then connect to your database you were using.

    as long as the database exists you can always recreate the blog because that is where everything is stored.
    get a database back up plugin and do this regularly

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