Hello! Is it compatible with WPML?
]]>Hi there, is it possible to use code or somsething to make this a horizontal version? Do you have another timeline that is horizontal?
Thank you, Luke
]]>Hi, thanks at first for this plugin. It is very useful and easy to handle. Could you tell me where I can change the headings structure for the title. Automatically is h4, but I need for accessibility reasons a change to h3. Thanks for your support
thank you for the update.
But now Wordfence shows a security problem.
The Plugin “3r Elementor Timeline Widget” has a security vulnerability.
Type: Plugin Vulnerable
Can you solve the problem?
Hello. How can I add an image to the plugin. I want a picture with a description. But I can’t figure out how to do it. Thank you.
]]>Hi,you made a great plugin!! It helps me create the timeline I wanted.
When I edit my timeline,I found a small flaw:The cricles color does not appear to be edited separately from the border color ?
So I can’t have a wanted cricles color without changing the border color.
Can you add a control to edit the border or cricles color separately?
Have a good day~
We can’t translate the plugin…
What can we do?
I want to use the timeline but I can’t find the settings tab under content.
I only have the Timeline tab.
Do I have to enable something to see the Settings tab?
I need to enable ‘Dates’ and ‘Card Arrow’ but since Settings is not there I can’t see them.
Please help.
Hi could you update the wordpress version on the plugin ? it shows : 5.3.1, is it not updated for the actual WP version ?
]]>after updating the plugin, it generated this error:
stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/3r-elementor-timeline-widget/init.php on line 16
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/3r-elementor-timeline-widget//includes/aep-notice/admin-notice.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear’) in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/3r-elementor-timeline-widget/init.php on line 16
You should not mixed timeline (timeline li .tl-circ) with Box Style. Otherwise, great plugin. Thanks.
Example: i cannot edit timeline with css anymore
.timeline li .tl-circ {
background: #fff;
border: 5px solid #000 !important;
Hi there, I have just set up my new website using the SuperbThemes Blogfeedly theme and I have discovered that the Elementor Timeline Widget is overriding the styling for the theme. When I first tested the category blog view, I noticed the title was black (or dark grey). But the other day, I noticed that this has somehow changed and is now light grey text with a black shadow.
I contacted Elementor Support and they have responded: “this issue is generated by a styles on a third-party plugin. It seems to be related to this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/3r-elementor-timeline-widget/. In this case, we suggest you report this issue to the plugin authors and see if they can provide a fix on their end.
If they need help from us, they can open an issue on our Github account and our developers will be happy to assist. https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues ”
It seems this might be a bug. I’ve had a look in the Timeline Widget and cannot see where this category blog post page heading can be controlled. And it’s bizarre that the Timeline Widget would randomly impact the default theme heading.
]]>Individual timelines (per user)
I need a plugin that allows each user to create their timeline. Because they are distinct processes, per user.
A user page would show your timeline, which could be public, private (only it) or even shared by link and / or user groups or registered users.
Is there something like that?
How can I add dynamic content to this Timeline Widget?
]]>Thank you for this simple yet amazing widget! ??
]]>Any chance you will add a switcher control to switch the view between vertical/horizontal display mode?