I’ve noticed the database table “a2opt-benchmarks-frontend” in my organization’s WordPress installation is quite large. It’s currently 1,625,603 MB(?). Do you have any recommended methods of decreasing or optimizing the size off the table?
]]>When Optimization > Security > Login URL Change (aka the Easy Hide Login plugin) is enabled, users can’t change their passwords because it goes to a 404.
When using the generated slug of https://example.com/?abcd, it goes to https://example.com/wp-login.php?abcd&redirect=false.
If you choose “Lost your password”, it goes to:
Entering a valid email and clicking on “Get New Password” goes straight to a 404 page.
How can this be fixed? The author of Easy Hide Login and been told about this for years.
Thank you
]]>Before doing updates I attempted to deactivate this plugin and the site displays a critical error message. Apparently it recovers, as the site is still available, but the plugin remains activated. I can repeat this process at will, but never get the plugin deactivated.
This process does not go away if I apply updates first without deactivating this plugin.
The email received by the admin account due to the critical error includes a link that creates the critical error again.
In the Security tab, the “Lock Editing of Plugins and Themes from the WP Admin” feature works great at inserting the following parameter in wp-config.php:
define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);
…however, when disabling the feature, it doesn’t seem to consistently change this parameter to ‘false’. Multiple times I’ve had to manually log in to A2 Hosting, navigate all the way into cPanel File, open File Manager, find wp-config.php, and manually change the parameter to ‘false’ in order to re-enable the Theme File Editor in WP Admin. (Which frustratingly defeats the purpose since I’m already in a file manager anyway.)
We need to be able to reliably enable/disable Theme File Editor in WP Admin, as it’s still the quickest way to make minor changes to our style.css and functions.php files.
I have noticed that when “Use System Cron Instead of WordPress Cron” is enabled, the plugin adds a new a new cron job to my Cpanel, every time I save the optimization settings.
I had 5 or 6 cron jobs for the same site, all with different intervals.
Also what is the default interval for system cron if using this setting?
I just enabled error log tracking for a different issue, but am getting the following error showing up. Any idea how to fix this? It just keeps repeating these two lines every two minutes or so.
[31-Mar-2023 02:05:25 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: page in /opt/a2-optimized/wordpress/class.A2_Optimized_Private_Optimizations_v3.php on line 721
[31-Mar-2023 02:05:25 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: a2_action in /opt/a2-optimized/wordpress/class.A2_Optimized_Private_Optimizations_v3.php on line 722
Thank you
]]>The Easy Hide Login plugin throws a 404 when used. i.e. the redirect brings about a 404 page. The user has in fact successfully logged in and can access that through the normal admin url, ignoring the 404.
However, this has been known for at least a year on the Easy Hide Login support forum, and no answer from the developer. No other activity from the developer for at least a year and looks like plugin has been abandoned.
Shouldn’t be in A2 Optimized.
]]>Hello Support,
I enabled A2 Optimize, but for some reason on checkout page the summary info stuck on loading.
Thank you!
Best regards
we are using a2 hosting Can I use this plugin with rocket cache plaugin and wp hide ghost?
]]>I recently uploaded a Logo image to my new webpage via my WordPress account and threw appearances, customize and the site identity section and it was the logo image was the correct size so, I published it but, after viewing it I decided to redesign the same image and then removed my published image and uploaded my newly redesigned logo image but it turned out very tiny, I then removed that and re uploaded my original logo image but, that too turned out very tiny now. I used the 350 x 70 PX required image size, I signed out and re signed back in, I tried another browser, I tried unplugging Plug ins, I tried different size images, I cleared the page and site cache and I also tried different images both 350x70PX and 500X500PX but, just cant figure out why the image turns out tiny now after all it loaded to the correct size for the first couple of upload attempts. Has anyone got any idea of what could be causing my tiny tiny logo image uploads
]]>Logged in users are Unable to leave a product review as they get the following message: “The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Please use your browsers back button and try again.” But there is no reCAPTCHA on the form?
When a guest leaves a review, the reCAPTCHA appears and everything works fine.
Any ideas?
I enabled the ‘hide my login’ but it never gave me the page to login so now I’m locked out of my site. Is there a default page it sets to login?
]]>I must be doing something wrong. I upgraded my hosting plan to Turbo and then installed this plug-in to tweak settings and make my very slow WP site faster.
Every test I run, spins for a long time and then returns zero. If I click away from the test and then back, it shows “last check: none” as though nothing has ever been tested.
Is there something else that must be set up in order for this plug-in to do anything?
FWIW, I did click most of the optimization suggestions and try the test again but absolutely no change whatsoever.
]]>If the plugin is active, the WordPress appearance customizer generates a Critical Error in the preview frame (using the Blocksy theme). I disabled all the plugin options without deactivating the plugin. Same issue. Deactivating the plugin fixes the issue.
The appearance customizer still functions normally (allows you to make changes), but displays the critical error instead of the site/page preview it should.
]]>An error of type E_PARSE was caused in line 17 of the file /webroot/wp-content/plugins/a2-optimized-wp/A2_Optimized_Plugin.php
. Error message: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
Constant visibility is a PHP 7.1+ feature: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class_const_visibility
Either remove the constant visibility from the constants in the A2_Optimized_Plugin.phpfile or set the <a href="https://make.www.ads-software.com/plugins/2017/08/29/minimum-php-version-requirement/">minimum supported PHP version</a> to PHP 7.1 in the
a2-optimized.php` file header.
Also looks like the GitHub repo is wildly out of sync with the current version of the plugin. If it were up to date, I would have submitted a PR to fix this.
]]>It’s a shame that the plugin gives a Warning that sites are “Not Hosted with A2 Hosting” when they’re on a reseller plan, that certain functions are “A2 Hosting Exclusive Optimization”s, and that Turbo Web Hosting is “Not Activated” even though it’s advertised for reseller plans.
Please consider making the A2 detection more robust.
]]>Hi Support Team,
I switched php version from 7.4 to 8.0 and you plugin generated an error.
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 358 of the file /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-content/plugins/a2-optimized-wp/A2_Optimized_SiteHealth.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function opcache_get_status() in /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-content/plugins/a2-optimized-wp/A2_Optimized_SiteHealth.php:358 Stack trace: #0 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php(192): A2_Optimized_SiteHealth->a2opt_phpopcache_test() #1 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php(143): WP_Site_Health->perform_test() #2 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): WP_Site_Health->enqueue_scripts() #3 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-includes/plugin.php(474): WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-admin/admin-header.php(118): do_action() #6 /home/##my_domain_path##/wp-admin/site-health.php(96): require_once(‘/home/##my_domain_path##/…’) #7 {main} thrown
Please check and correct!
Hi, is there any way/mail to contact you privately?
]]>Hi, id like to use this plugin but it trigger an error when using the search box.
I am using Advanced Woo Search, but the problem remains even if I deactivate it.
Any clue would be appreciated, thanks
My site is on A2 hosting. I am trying to set up the A2 Optimized plugin. Please tell me, where and how can I exclude some css and js from a minification? I cannot find it in your docs. Thank you.
Your plugin is a really good one. But i have one issue on my site.
I use the “Redirection” plugin on my site to redirect all IE and Edge users to a different homepage. I am using User Agent regex to define IE and Edge. This user agent redirect works fine when your plugin is deactivated. But if your plugin is active then this user agent redirect doesn’t work.
I tried to get User Agent value on the server side with your plugin active. The User Agent value is OK for all browsers, except for IE and Edge. The User Agent is “WordPress\5.8; https://luxles.si” or empty for IE and Edge sessions with your plugin active. I will be glad if you could fix it and I will get normal User Agent from IE and Edge. I’m ready to send you additional info and make tests if you will need. My site is on A2 hosting
Thank you in advance.
A2 Hosting Exclusive Optimizations
available on
or only on
]]>This plugin does not work with Peter’s Login Redirect. I will use it again after when it is compatible with Peter’s Login Redirect.
I’ve recently updated the WordPress version of my website and the A2Optimize plugin. After I updated, the website keeps failing to load and blank page is returned to the user.
I believe this error is related to the A2Optimize plugin because when I clear the Site Cache, the website works again, but after some time (or number of access) it falls back to this error.
When I enable the debug
PHP Notice: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorreclty. The $l10n parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the wp_add_inline_script() function instead. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.7.0.) in website/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5313
PHP Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for website/wp-content/cache/a2opt-cache/... in website/wp-content/plugins/a2-optimized-wp/A2_Optimized_CacheDisk.php on line 539
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Wordpress 5.8.0
When customers go to the checkout page, the payment option looks like it is loading but it just continues to spin. We have A2 Optimize installed and activated for page caching. I tried to bypass cache on these pages but still running into this issue. I have disabled the cache for now and the checkout seems to be working fine. Is there any way to keep the cache plugin enabled without running into this issue?
]]>I was just going through the A2 Optimized WP settings, and noticed it said that it now has it’s own built in cache system, and asks me to enable it.
Seems that it breaks my articles/posts once I do. It only loads the page, but there is no scroll bar to scroll down, or member login bar at top of page.
Disabled all my plugins to see if there was a conflict, which turns out to be the issue.
I narrowed it down to the wpDiscuz plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpdiscuz/), which is required for my sites. I activate the plugin, and the issue is back. disable it, gone.
Works fine with the A2 Fixed W3 Total Cache plugin, so i’ll be using that til a solution is figured out.
]]>Hi, i’m istalled A2 plugin in the website, and when i clear the cache it shows as it should, but i the website is refreshed it not working properly
As is a js or .css files where missing
]]>After updating to, the plugin is unable to connect to Memcached server. I tried it on another installation with the same result. Installations without updated plugin do not have the same issue.
]]>One of my client’s website had an issue where they cannot update the posts. I was assigned the task to debug and fix the issue. What I found out was that FeedBurner.php was causing the fatal error if $fb_urls are present or null.
here is the error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/a2-w3-total-cache/extensions/FeedBurner.php:28
Stack trace:
#0 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(294): W3_FeedBurner->flush_feedburner(3952)
#1 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(true, Array)
#2 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(484): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#3 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/post.php(5047): do_action('publish_post', 3952, Object(WP_Post))
#4 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/post.php(4284): wp_transition_post_status('publish', 'publish', Object(WP_Post))
#5 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-includes/post.php(4486): wp_insert_post(Array, false, true)
#6 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-admin/includes/post.php(419): wp_update_post(Array)
#7 /home/somewebsite/public_html/wp-admin/post.php(227): edit_post()
Here is the code before editing:
if ($fb_urls)
$fb_urls = explode("\n", $fb_urls);
$fb_urls[] = home_url();
foreach($fb_urls as $url) {
wp_remote_get('https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/pingSubmit?bloglink=' . urlencode($url));
Here is what I did to fix it
function flush_feedburner($post_id) {
if (!w3_is_flushable_post($post_id, 'pgcache', $this->_config)) {
$fb_urls = w3tc_get_extension_config('feedburner','urls');
if ($fb_urls) {
$fb_urls = explode("\n", $fb_urls);
$fb_urls[] = home_url();
foreach($fb_urls as $url) {
wp_remote_get('https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/pingSubmit?bloglink=' . urlencode($url));
Please update the feedburner.php file so that after any future update the issue should not occur again
]]>I’ve been using W3 Total Cache (the A2 version) on my site for a while, as well as this A2 Optimized WP plugin. Now that this plugin has its own cache, what are the pros and cons of continuing to use W3TC? I understand that W3TC will continue to work with A2 Optimized WP. I’m asking about whether it is worthwhile to simplify my life by no longer using W3TC since A2 Optimized WP has its own cache instead. Which cache is better, and how/why?