In the free version, are several columns possible on mobile?
Thank you..
]]>Instagram plugin stopped working, get the error “This endpoint has been retired”, I have tried to get a new instagram access token but get the message:
error_type “OAuthException”
code 400
error_message “Invalid scope field(s): basic”
How can I correct this?
I have installed this plugin and paste the shortcode in footer. It works fine. But in the front page it is conflicting with carasoule. So how can I disable the plugin in fornt page. Please help me.
Thank you
I just bought the pro version and I need to display the full images of my instagram feed in the slider. By default, my images are cropped. Could you please give me a way to have the owl slider display full images?
Hi there,
the plugin was working fine, until today where the plugin seems to work perfectly for doesn’t show image feed any longer only post text. How can fix this?
Website: https://www.gotopress.ca
Thank you in advance.
]]>There is one issue in [ap_instagram_feed] shortcode. if I am adding a comment for the particular post in Instagram then it is displaying that comment before the slider.
I have found the solution. Go to: inc/frontend/instagram-feed.php Line number : 138 >> “echo $img_alt;” Please comment this line.
I have created the new client in developer account of instagram. When i am putting the Access token and Username in my settings it is showing the error that user doesn’t exist.
It was working before. I am not getting why is that. Please suggest me what i need to make it working again.
]]>From April some instagram api are deprecated so plugin not work and return “this user does not exist”.
]]>Hi, plugin works great, how can I display more than 10 images ?
It is possible to set a parameter into the shortcode?
or is it possible with the premium version ?
thank you
Hi, great plugin except for an issue with the slider layout. I’m seeing 3 and 1/4 images on page load for the slider layout. On window resize, it snaps into and even 3 and looks great. Seems like there’s a little bug there.
]]>I’m using the widget on a client site, and its started displaying the following error message:
“The client used for authentication is no longer active.”
Anyone else having this issue? Any thoughts on what is going on?
]]>Is there a way to control the height of the images in the slider?
]]>Issue fixed. No longer need help
How can I edit the text that shows up on the hover image? Currently displays as “Follow Me”.
I have put all info what is plugin needed and I always get this message THIS USER DOES NOT EXIST.
am using https maybe is that problem?
Your plugin works nicely.
How can I make it run over HTTPS.
Gravity find a security leak with HTTP.
Kind regards,
Thanks for this great plugin, it works seamlessly for me. Quick question, I would like to be able to change the size of the images shown in the ‘slider’ view, and I would like to have 5 images showing on desktop instead of the standard 3. Do you have any recommendation on how to achieve this?
Thank you,
]]>although i finally got it working, with our very fussy theme, which didn’t like any of the other layouts that you provide, the slider view doesn’t link back to the instagram pictures. would you please have a look and let me know what I might be missing?
p.s. you can see the feed on the homepage, but it is brought in from this other post:
It appears there’s a bug in the plugin where the “alt” attributes are being mixed into the HTML.
See code:
<div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel">
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16464949_1809827662677433_7681670887182958592_n.jpg" alt='??'/>
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16229489_1730873160536146_4161619114193846272_n.jpg" alt=''/>
@s__law got the right stuff
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16122741_166402683852746_1991885203433324544_n.jpg" alt='@s__law got the right stuff'/>
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16465708_1905474259686403_566766474245439488_n.jpg" alt=''/>
@sean_durt ?????♂?
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/16228699_1863216210560023_2371239693091078144_n.jpg" alt='@sean_durt ?????♂?'/>
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16110756_247019299055556_5786406659609853952_n.jpg" alt=''/>
<div class="item">
<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/15877324_579268845607229_1362283404892045312_n.jpg" alt=''/>
I’m displaying the plugin using <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[ap_instagram_feed]’); ?>
And I’m using the ‘Slider Layout’ setting.
This bug occurs in version 2.2.6 and 2.2.5, but not version 2.2.4.
]]>Elements “follow” and “followers” have disappeared
The grid layout looks great on desktop but terrible on mobile – is it possible to adjust to single column layout on mobile only?
I have installed the Instagram slider on https://abitat.com.br/contato/ but it only shows my first 10 images. After which, it scrolls to blank spaces. How can I solve this problem?
]]>The slide show no longer works on my site after June 1st update. It does not appear that I can generate a new token to the Instagram API. There error that is generated says: “The access_token provided does not match an approved application”. My site is weworktotravel.com Please advise.
]]>Am wondering if there is some kind of “approval” function in this plugin for hashtag displayed images, to avoid someone posting up, say, some photo not related to the hashtag just for a joke?
]]>Hello there,
This plugin was beautiful, simple and should be great for free, but there is not much choice for the setting . how can I adjust the picture size slider to 300x300px and lighbox appear when clicking on the image.
Thanks to Dev. Team..
]]>Hey there great plugin will give it 5 stars. I have a question, on the masonry layout, no matter where I put it (on a post, page or below footer) it’s not aligned very well, I’ve got an extra photo falling down off the bottom of the layout:
<a href=”https://www.littlebluedeerdesign.com/custom-blog-design-tips-how-to-add-new-pages-in-wordpress/
(I know this looks like a spammy link, it’s not I just popped the shortcode into an existing blog post). Any options for alignment? Are there parameters to add to the shortcode to limit number of images, etc? Is this available in the pro version? I’d rather work with a shortcode than the widget, thanks so much.
Am using “AccessPress Instagram Feed” plugin, and it is friendly for integrating Instagram. The Feed is displaying well when am using [ap_instagram_slider] , when i want display the feed in template file with following short code <?php do_shortcode(‘[ap_instagram_slider]’); ?> it’s not displaying any thing
]]>Hi guys,
This is a great plugin and it looks great on your Accesspress Store theme.
The only problem is that the Instagram feeds on the footer widget are slightly slanted to the next widget area.
Can you tell me what could have caused this?
Here is the link to my website
]]>The plug in is great but my pictures are now showing because i have not placed the short code where its supposed to e placed.i want to use the mosaic,where do i place this short codes they have given here?