After changing php version 7.6 to 8.1 I got the following warning:
warning: trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/.sites/478/site7163766/web/wp-content/themes/accesspress-parallax/inc/accesspress-functions.php on line 78
I am using WordPress 6.0.2 and the Theme accessPress Parllax Version 4.1
Can anybody tell me what to change in the accesspress-function.php that the warning will disappeare?
Thanks for your help!
We are using your plugin:- AccessPress Social Icons
we want to know if your plugin is compatible with PHP 8.1 or not.
We would love to know ASAP.
The facebook and linkedin icons were previously visible on our website through the AnpsTheme social icons element. None of the facebook or LinkedIn icons will work now, and instead, show a black circle (despite the adjustment of colour settings etc). Other icons do work, however. Could someone please offer any advice on how to fix this?
Thank you.
Icons no longer display and disappeared from plugin admin
Bug capture:
WordPress version: 5.7.6
Plug-in version: 1.8.4
PHP version: 7.3
Best Regards
]]>Is the plugin fully compatible with PHP 8? Can’t see it listed in the change log.
Great plugin but is it possible to open the link of the social icon in popup not in new or same page?
best regards
Is there a way to center the icon set shortcode in page?
]]>Hello everyone, I have some problem with the redirections, in login I’m every time redirected to the home page, in logout (I have checked go to homepage) stay in the same page..
Any suggestions??
]]>There are no icons showing in editor. All sets are missing images.
I had to manually edit database to add another social media icon. Image’s “src” attribute is being set to “(unknown)”, and zero-size value is being added as new icon.
This is copy-pasted from database:
a:16:{s:5:"title";s:9:"Instagram";s:5:"image";s:0:"";s:10:"icon_width";s:0:"";s:11:"icon_height";s:0:"";s:4:"link";s:49:"**********************/";s:11:"link_target";s:10:"New Window";s:12:"tooltip_text";s:22:"Follow us on Instagram";s:11:"border_type";s:4:"none";s:16:"border_thickness";s:0:"";s:12:"border_color";s:0:"";s:7:"padding";s:0:"";s:6:"shadow";s:3:"yes";s:15:"shadow_offset_x";s:0:"";s:15:"shadow_offset_y";s:0:"";s:11:"shadow_blur";s:0:"";s:12:"shadow_color";s:0:"";}
Notice the “image” being zero-size?
]]>There was a post a couple of years ago about only admins being able to access the pages in the admin. Was that ever resolved? I too have the situation where I would like editors and/or custom roles to be able to access the social icon sets.
Will this be available?
I wonder how I can align the icons to the left? I don’t find any possibilities to chose alignment.
Regards Peter
]]>I’m using the plugin in a local dockerized setup, and when saving the “Edit icon set” form, I got redirected (after a successful POST) to “https://_/wp-admin/admin….”. It seems that the local domain could not be fetched correctly.
Some debugging got me to the curPageURL function in accesspress-social-icons.php where I replaced $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] by $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]. After this change submission flow was working perfectly.
On production everything went OK with the default code, so it has something to do with Docker, but I thought it wouldn’t harm anyone to share this ??
When an icon is saved, it can not be changed anymore. You must delete the account and recreate a new one.
Why this elementary function is not integrated?
]]>Multiple Issues with this Plug ….
I’ll start with the most frustrating.
When I save an Icon Set I have created or edited the plugin logs me out of my site…
I have uploaded my own social icons (all 3 of them) in the past and it worked perfect. (see website here: Today I’m trying to upload a 4th one but the image simply won’t upload. Can you please help?
]]>This plugin is not usable if the logged in user is anything but an Administrator. I have users managing the content, which would include social media icons on a page, but they are not Administrators so can’t create or use icon sets.
I’m using AccessPress Social Counter pro
Now google is issuing warning on http requests.
Access plugin displays the sharing url without s
Inline images 1
How to fix this ?
I am trying to create a new icon set with individually uploaded icons. Everything works perfectly fine until I save the new icon set. All icons that have been created disappear and the icon set is completely empty.
This is a reoccuring problem and I would appreciate your inside.
Many thanks!
I’m trying to set custom icon but the plugin doesn’t seem to load the custom .png image.
I have tried to upload it from computer, from url and from media library, but it never get it. The url field of the icon image keeps blank as the icon preview.
I have followed your guide
Host: Google Cloud
Wordpress: Bitnami Multisite 8.8.1
Accesspress social icons 1.6.8
icon image url:
If it is not a bug, what i’m doing wrong. Teach me please
Thanks in advance.
I would like the buttons on this page.
Aligned with the header like this page.
How do I do this?
is there any way I can change the design of social icons that appear on my homepage by default? Im using Accesspress Parallax Pro.
The plugin was working perfectly well with ‘facebook & Twitter’ only. but when I wanted to add ‘Google Plus & Youtube’ links, is when problems started.
Below is the error message that’s being generated upon serving settings.
Hope it helps you figure out what’s wrong with your plugin.
” Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function __e() in /wp-content/plugins/accesspress-social-icons/inc/backend/edit-icon-set.php:16 Stack trace: #0 /wp-content/plugins/accesspress-social-icons/inc/backend/main-page.php(5): include() #1 /wp-content/plugins/accesspress-social-icons/accesspress-social-icons.php(114): include_once(‘/d/d/…’) #2 /wp-includes/plugin.php(524): APS_Class->main_page(”) #3 /wp-admin/admin.php(222): do_action(‘toplevel_page_a…’) #4 {main} thrown in /wp-content/plugins/accesspress-social-icons/inc/backend/edit-icon-set.php on line 16 ”
& Oh, I’m running a multisite. just incase you need to know..
I have an issue adding an icon witch is non a Pre-available one.
I upload my icon in .png <- no problems
I copy the url from my gallery (full and reduce) : //
I copy it in the image icon field
And finaly add the link and push add icon to list.
It add it successfully but there is no icon preview in the icon list. And can’t modify it like the other one too, just deleted it. And it doesn’t appear on site.
If it’s not a bug I have no idea what i’m doing wrong… Any clue?
EDIT) The pre-available icons display in the website.
]]>I’m having a problem controlling the space between the Accesspress social icons on my site. I have created an icon set and used the shortcode to add the icons to my header menu on my homepage. However, the number of pixels I specify in the Accesspress icon set is not being followed. I think there might be something in my theme (Virtue Premium) that is overriding the pixels I am specifying. It looks like the spacing between the icons is the same amount as the spacing between each menu item in the header (rather than what I am specifying – I want them to be much closer together).
Is there some CSS that I can use to override my theme for the icon spacing?
I don’t have the icons currently up on my site to reference (I don’t want to leave the bad formatting on my live site). But for reference my website is and I am trying to add them in my header menu at the top right side.
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>I have placed the social icons on the page successfully. When I scroll or select a dropdown on the page, the icons appear Over the content instead of below the content. Please help me with the resolution.
To reproduce, Select “Outfit Ideas” dropdown in the Menu.
How do I do to male a line break in the text of the email sharing ?
]]>I am using accesspress store theme.
I want to add a social icon widget on top of my website. I created social icons and got shortcode. But i don’t know how to place this shortcode in widget for showing in top of my website?
It is my website link. Please help me.
I’m using Accesspress Social Icons for creating social media buttons on my contact page. (Sydney Theme)
I am able to place the buttons, but there’s an ammount of white space above and under the buttons. (please check at
I would like that those buttons come directly under the adress line, and I would still like some white space under the icons.
I tried to add code in my custom CSS the way I did for the social icons in the header, but this has no effect:
#contact_icons {
padding: 0px 0px 40px 0px;
Does anybody has a solution please?
Thanks in advance,
Firstly, thanks for this great plugin!
I seem to be having an unusual problem in that the icons appear vertically instead of inline for my Register page only. The Login and Logout pages are normal or inline.
I’ve tried adding the CSS code below to override any theme styling but have not been able to get it working.
.aps-each-icon a {
display: inline-block !important;
margin: 20px 10px 10px 10px !important;
Can you please advise further? Thanks for your help!
]]>AccessPress Social icon plugin not working. Please advise how to fix.