is an update planned for WordPress 6.0?
Advanced Custom Fields version 5?
The date format is incorrect, I’m not able to submit form
I want to take only d.m.Y. from the field and display it in .php file.
How to do it please?
]]>So it’s probably the javascript interface popup for setting the date. When the date time picker window pops up it looks like the length of the hours is off and when it saves, the format string itself saves, not the time or date. What would cause that?
]]>I am trying to restrict the Timepicker hours to the open hours of a store. I put this in:
add_action( ‘wooccm_js_timepicker_additional_args’, ‘custom_wooccm_js_timepicker_additional_args’ );
function custom_wooccm_js_timepicker_additional_args() {
‘minTime’: ‘6:00am’,
‘maxTime’: ‘4:00pm’,
‘showDuration’: true
But it isn’t working – the site goes blank. Please help.
My date is being recorded in timestamp with 3 hours less than the time that I am registering.
What is going on?
]]>The Date/Time displays correctly in wordpress but when I export i receive the following Date: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
How do I export the date that displays in WordPress?
]]>I am trying to create date time field and after the save it appears with no name on fields on acf panel and i see that stored like text.
Any help?
I am using current version of this plugin.
Before that it was storing field value in timestamp. Now it is storing value in Y-m-d h:i:s format. Is there any solution that we can store the field value again in timestamp?
Looking forward for your help.
the plugin seems to be broken after latest ACFPRO version.
Is there anyway to solve this please?
Thank you in advance
]]>ACF CF Pro (latest) and this plugin makes error 500.
[17-Jun-2016 07:56:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class acf_field_date_time_picker in /home/******/wp-content/plugins/acf-field-date-time-picker/date_time_picker-v5.php on line 405
]]>I am using ACF 5.3.0 and DateTimepicker
I am using DateTimepicker within repeater field of ACF, it is working on first field but when I add another row in repeater field, Datetimepicker doesn’t work.
Kindly resolve this issue for me.
I will be very thankful to you
]]>I am trying to sort posts Ascending based on a Date and Time Picker custom field called: date_and_time_picker. The code I have is the following:
$paged = (get_query_var(‘paged’)) ? get_query_var(‘paged’) : 1;
query_posts($query_string.’&category_name=events&meta_key=date_and_time_picker&meta_compare=>=&meta_value=’.strtotime(date(“Y-m-d”)).’&orderby_meta_key=date_and_time_picker&order=ASC&posts_per_page=12&paged=’ . $paged);
For some reason it is sorting using the post date instead. Can you help me figure out what could be wrong with this code?
This is the page: https://www.beckywasserman.com/current-events/
]]>Hi, i’m using this code to get post sorted by time, but each time i save the post the code puts it at the bottom of the list:
$args = array(
‘post_type’=> ‘post’,
‘cat’ => ‘7’,
‘posts_per_page’ => 100,
‘meta_key’ => ‘date-time’,
‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value_num’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if($the_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
Posts here
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
<p>Nothing Here.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
Any idea how to solve this? Thanks!
]]>Advanced Custom Fields: Date and Time Picker work with WP 4.4.2
]]>I have site in 2 lang (eng and german).
In backend i defined acf field date_time…
Date format is defined: m/d/yy, DD
BUT DD is problem. He is alway in englis language (day in week). How translate in in other lang?
(i using wmpl).
]]>Hello, is it possible to change from 00:00 the default time in a Date and Time Picker?
I would prefer the default time to be 10:00 because almost all of the events I set up start at that time.
The time dispayed on frontend is one hour early.
For example I have an event beginning at 8:00 and the time displayed is 9:00.
I use the Time Picker
Save as timestamp Yes
Get field as timestamp No
Here is the code :
if(get_field('heure-debut')) {
echo '<li>' . get_field('heure-debut') . '</li>';
Thks for your help.
]]>To make this complete with ACF 5.2+ using Repeater field.
edit file named “timepicker.js” and line-number “39”
need to find
replace with
“.acf-row.acf-clone” or “.acf-row.clone, .acf-row.acf-clone”.
]]>how do i change the timezone from UTC to say IST
]]>the date time picker is not saving the date in fields
]]>setting the datetimepicker value via functions.php and then trying to check with currentdate but the condition always fails.
$ttxt='+'.$randnos.' days +'.$randhrs.' Hours +'.$randmin.' minutes +'.$randsec.' seconds';
$newTime = date("d/m/Y H:m:s",strtotime($ttxt));
$tdate=new DateTime();
$mystring=date("d/m/Y H:m:s",strtotime($mystring));
echo $mystring;
if ($mystring>=$tdate){
echo "yahoo";
and it never passes the if condition
]]>how to set the datetime picker with the string below
$string=”25/12/2015 14:12:54″;
]]>How could I calculate an person’s age if I have their year of birth?
Thanks heaps
Im trying this function:
function age_in_years() {
global $postmeta;
$year_of_birth = get_field( "date_of_birth",$modelID);
$date1 = strval( $year_of_birth );
$date2 = strval( date( 'yy') );
$age = $date2 = $date1;
return $age;
But is not working at all… what I am doing wrong?
Using this code:
<?php echo age_in_years();?>
Is getting this:
Database screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/mjLrEQx.png
Waiting for your help, thanks ??
]]>i have a datetime picker with save as timestamp set to yes.
i m trying to get the difference between the datetime set in the post andthe current datetime but i keep getting error diff() on no object..
$date1=new DateTime();
$format="d/m/Y H:m:s";
$date2= get_field('expirydate');
$difference = $date2->diff($date1);
echo $timeleft;
Lovely plugin. It works very well. I wanted to display we are/open closed depending on the opening and closing times and I found it only works well when I use the 24hr system. However, I would like to display the time on the front end as hh:mm aa. Is there a way to do this. Check out my code
$time = date('H:i', current_time( 'timestamp', 0 ) );
$rows = get_field('working_hours');
$open = " We're Open ";
$closed = " We're Closed ";
$from = get_sub_field ('from');
$to = get_sub_field ('to');
foreach($rows as $row) {
if ( $row['from'] > $time || $time > $row['to'] ){
echo '<div class="we_close">' . $closed . '</div>';
echo '<div>' . $row['to'] . ' - ' . $row['from'] . '</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="we_open">' . $open . '</div>';
echo '<div>' . $row['from'] . ' - ' . $row['to'] . '</div>';
Is there a way so that we can limit users to only set the day and hour or possibly the day, hour and then only 00 or 30 for the minutes? I would like to avoid users being able to pick mins such as 28, 13, 8 etc. and only 30 minute intervals.
]]>The picker appears somewhere at the bottom of the page under the left side menu.
]]>I want to set it to 15 minutes, so I can choose between 00, 15, 30, and 45, in the minutes dropdown.
is this plugin support jalali calendar for persian language?