We’re using this plugin for front end image uploads in a ACF fields group for meta data on a custom post type.
The upload action is showing a 500 error in debug console:
/wp-json/aiarc/v1/upload 500 (Internal Server Error) input.js:88
Throwing the window.alert “There has been a critical error on this website.”
I have Fetch/XHR
Raw request header:
POST /staging/wp-json/aiarc/v1/upload HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
I think the Accept: application/json, text/plain, */* might be the problem for our server.
Note this is a sandbox site located in a subfolder of the active domain, this might also be a contributing factor.
I have tried running a tail on the error logs but nothing is being caught server side.
XHR payloads seem correct.
Server has over 3G of available memory for this action. Nothing is uploaded to media library.
Crop is also not opening on admin post edit page, default wordpress media library upload opens.
I’m still debugging to find the conflicting plugin. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Thank you
Acf field with acf crop image are not listed anymore inside elementor dynamique field
Since the last update of wordpress maybe ?
I have been using the plugin for a while and it has worked very well for me.
I have a page in which users, through an ACF form, upload content to their profiles. But now I’m looking for an alternative to the WP media library because I don’t want users to have access to it. For example, Windows Explorer opens directly and the user chooses the image they want. In this case would the plugin still work? Does it depend on the WP media library?
Hello, I want to ask – I have a field with ACF Image Crop that crops my image and I see this image in the Media folder. But if I want to assign this cropped image to another post, I can find it in the folder. Why? Is there a solution so that I can assign the cropped image to another post, for example as a thumbnail? Thank you.
]]>hi, thank you for this plugin, I tried it in the admin panel and it works really well ??
I see that you added support for “front-end” (outside the administrative panel i supposed), but I don’t know how to make that happen ?
I can make the acf fields appears in the edition panel, to a post for example, and your edition works well there, but I don’t understand how to show it to the “front-end” view ?
I hope my question is clear ??
]]>When you reposition the region to crop, it always selects the default center region on the image on crop.
]]>Hello, Your plugin is great, unfortunately it can’t work with images in ACF gallery. I tried to get around this by using ACF repeater, where I inserted a field with Image Aspect Ratio Crop Field, however, when used in Elementor, the images are not displayed, only their names. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you
]]>Thinking about upgrading axios and wait-on packages? I am currently using this plugin and security scanning detected several vulnerabilities related to both packages: For Axios: Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). An attacker can deplete system resources by providing a manipulated string as input to the format method, causing the regular expression to exhibit a time complexity of?O(n^2)
. This makes the server to become unable to provide normal service due to the excessive cost and time wasted in processing vulnerable regular expressions.
Thanks in advance
We have massive products, and we usually import products, but the original images are 1:1.
Is there an way to automatically crop images to be 4:5 upon import or uploaded?
Thanks in advance
]]>Are there plans to allow the cropping function to be optional? Right now, it forces you to crop the aspect ratio. More often than not, we allow our users to decide when they want to crop.
]]>After noticing the error I tested the Plugin with only ACF active and the Twenty Twenty-Four Theme. Still this is what I get on media-options.php:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /home_pr7/b/l/xxxxxx.ch/htdocs/xyz/web/wp-content/plugins/acf-image-crop-add-on/acf-image-crop-v5.php:707 Stack trace: #0 /home_pr7/b/l/xxxxxx.ch/htdocs/xyz/web/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1836): acf_field_image_crop->displayHideFromMediaInput(Array) #1 /home_pr7/b/l/xxxxxx.ch/htdocs/xyz/web/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1790): do_settings_fields(‘media’, ‘acf_image_crop_…’) #2 /home_pr7/b/l/xxxxxx.ch/htdocs/massimos-palace/web/wp-admin/options-media.php(172): do_settings_sections(‘media’) #3 {main} thrown in?/home_pr7/b/l/xxxxxx.ch/htdocs/xyz/web/wp-content/plugins/acf-image-crop-add-on/acf-image-crop-v5.php?on line?707
]]>I love your plugin for when I turn over a site to a client; their future image uploads in my custom ACF blocks will be the same size as the images I have initially placed on the site in development.
However, I often have images that are already the proper size, prior to uploading. These get “cropped” and a new image is added to the server.
On another thread you said that the system wouldn’t create a new image in this case, but on my sites I am seeing the “aspect-ratio” images in addition to the original, even though they are the same.
Is there something I need to do on my end that would enable this functionality, so that I’m not doubling the size of the Uploads folder when developing the site?
Separately, do you have a filter, or another means, to disable the creation of a thumbnail image? I don’t need 150×150 versions of the images after we’ve used your plugin to create the exact dimensions needed.
Thank you!
]]>Hi , Thank you for this, I’d really like it so that the cropping tool does not open automatically after an image is selected for the input field…
we want to the user to click on the little crop icon if they wish to crop
How to prevent automatic open of crop tool?
Thank you
]]>Dear Johannes Siipola,
it’s fantastic that you’re providing an alternative to the plugin by Anders Thorborg, “Advanced Custom Fields: Image Crop Add-on.”
I I still use it because sometimes I need the option to leave images as they are e.g. when they are already optimized. If you could add this feature into your plugin, that would be awesome and I could use your plugin right away!
Best regards,
The image does not appear when used with Snipping and Repeater, only the Array, ID or Url appears, without image.
]]>Hello, the plugin is awesome, but unfortunately some errors and a blank page on post update, any infos?
]]>I had downloaded this some time ago and just turning to it for use but I see it has not been updated in 8months according to WordPress. Is it still in active developement? Thank you very much. Georgia
]]>Hi. I’m having a problem when trying to crop an image. After click on the “Crop” button, i’m getting the “Failed to crop image”. Also, on the console, I’m getting some messages:
wp-json/aiarc/v1/crop:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
put.js:307 Error: Request failed with status code 500
at t.exports (createError.js:16:15)
at t.exports (settle.js:17:12)
at f.onreadystatechange (xhr.js:69:7)
Note that i’m getting valid json feedback at https://mysite.com/wp-json/ but a 404 at https://mysite.com/wp-json/aiarc/v1/crop
I’m on PHP 8, WordPress 6.2, ACF 6.1.3 and Image Aspect Ratio Crop 6.0.2. I have no other plugins active, besides ACF and Image Aspect Ratio Crop.
This error is also happening with Image Aspect Ratio Crop 5.1.4 / 5.1.3
When you create a cropped pic, this version also gets resized to the active image sizes.
Can this be prevented ? because it’s creating a lot of duplicate images and thus costs more storage.
]]>Sorry for being a pain. But I spent 3 hours trying to change this text.
The plug in is already translated, but I can’t find that string anywhere. I searched in every file of the plugin to see if I could find at least a PHP string. But nothing.
Can anyone help me?
]]>Hi! Thanks a lot for this great tool!
I’m also implementing your custom code to save original images in a specific folder
Awesome! That trick in conjunction with server side cron jobs to delete unnecessary images has been a real joy!
I wonder if there’s a code I can use to change the folder of the cropped images too.
Thanks a lot for your time and excellent work!
]]>Hi, first of all, really great plugin. Appreciate your work! ??
I am using YooTheme, which is a page builder. When using dynamic content, such as the featured image I can choose between ?Alt“, ?Url“ and ?Caption“ for the src attribute of an image. YooTheme then converts the image to webp. When using acf with the regular image field I can choose Image-ID as return value and it works the same way. When using acf image aspect ratio crop and Image-ID as return value it seems to do something else, as I can’t access ?Alt“, ?Url“ and ?Caption“. It only works when choosing Image-Url but then it returns the jpg and no conversion takes place which results in much larger image size. 1,0MB vs 650kb.
May you have input on this?
Kind regards,
I would like to reselect any already cropped image. This should be done in a new tab next to “Media library”, where you can only see already cropped images.
The use for this is when you use WordPress as a CMS, rather than a blog only (as many of us do, certainly with ACF), is to be able to have the same cropped image on multiple pages, for example on a CTA block, which will show on many pages with a cropped image. You don’t want to be 1 image to be slightly (a few pixels) differently cropped.
This tab would show the images as your plugin is working right now.
Next to that there should be a tab “Already cropped images”, where you would only would see already cropped images.
If you set any of these images, there would be no “Crop” modal.
The extra tab could be an option in the settings if you want it or not.
]]>Hi, Thank you for this awesome plugin!
By the way, this plugin is not working on repeater field.
Any solution for this?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I noticed that the cropped files on the server are often 2 – 3 times the filesize than the originals. For example I upload a file that is 86kb that once cropped to my stipulated size becomes 140kb in size. When you’re trying to put file size restrictions in place this become problematic as user uploading an 800kb file will produce cropped versions over 1 or even 2mb.
Is this normal behaviour?
Thanks you
]]>Would be awesome if the functionality could be activated for gallery fields in order to upload and crop multiple images.
I want to replace the featured images with the image created with your plugin,
can anyone suggest a filter or action to add to function.php to do this?
Thank you
Hi there!
Is there a way to prevent the plugin from generating intermediate image sizes?
In some situations I only need the original image with the cropped dimensions (using pixel size) and there’s no reason to have a bunch of duplicates on the uploads folder, since I have a lot of custom image sizes.
Any hook I can use to prevent this?
]]>Undefined index: aiarc_temp_post_id in XXXX/plugins/acf-image-aspect-ratio-crop/acf-image-aspect-ratio-crop.php on line 80
btw, awesome plugin.
thank you for all the hard work ??????
When using CDN with LiteSpeed cache plugin, the cropped image is not being saved to the CDN, resulting in a 404 for the image url.
Works if I disable the CDN.