Hi, I get a no valid headers message when trying to activate this plugin.
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Is your add-on suitable? Does it play nice with v4 of Bootstrap?
]]>I am building a set of web pages offline, in the Bootstrap 4 web framework.
I then want to move them in to WordPress. Some of those pages may be page templates, ie. various parts of the actual content should be customisable in a vanilla standard page layout.
I have built WordPress themes out of Bootstrap pages in the past – threading Bootstrap in to a WordPress theme.
But I am also considering this…
I am struggling to see how to overcome subtley different page markup requirements across otherwise similar pages – ie. different background image in equivalent div or different containers to be used, different number of columns, at different breakpoints, depending on the page.
So, let’s say I don’t just want page templates but actual drag-and-drop page building capability – placing containers and columns on the page in the ways I want, adding the classes I want at that time (rather than as page templates)…
I have looked around and, whilst there are many WordPress page builders, they all seem to use their own mark-up, whereas I would want to use only Bootstrap 4 markup and classes (plus my custom classes). Bootstrap 4 has a particular way of defining columns, rows etc, and mobile breakpoints – which would be messed up by these builders’ own markup.
I suppose I’m talking about, on the one hand, creating my own reusable blocks of code that could be added to a page structure, and the author would then write in the content of those blocks. And, on the other hand, wondering if I could have something that is more open-ended – dragging and dropping blocks that adhere to and represent Bootstrap 4 mark-up.
Can Advanced Custom Fields be used for any of this? I have seen there is an add-on for the Site Origin Page Builder – but I’m not sure this fits my needs.
Hello, your plugin is very sophisticated. I’m very glad you found it. This will save my life. I just need to tweak a few things and everything will be fine. I would like to customize the flexible_content change his position is on the bottom and put it on top, and instead of a dropdown button to add the items, I would like to make a grid with pictures. As you can see below.