Would it be possible to add the details/attributes of a taxonomy or other linked field (relation / post) to the ‘acf’ part of the response?
I am happily using the plugin, and it works like a charm. I get all values for ACF fields, and for taxonomy and relation fields i get the ID. That gives me enough to make my application work and get needed data. But…. to speed things up it would be really usefull to get the complete linked object in the response.
For basic responses i used ‘WP REST API – Pure Taxonomies’ but i cannot see how i can use the concept of the first to also apply to the other. Is there a way to achieve this, and can you tell me how?
If needed, i am fairly good with code if someone points me in the right direction, so if i can be of any help.Let me knwo!
I have a custom post type ‘Files’ and have the plugins, ‘ACF to REST API’, ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ and ‘WP REST API’ installed.
I can get the JSON for ‘FILES’ using:
I need to filter this using the custom fields set using ACF.
I can’t seem to find how I would do this and also I can’t seem to get any results via the endpoints specified by this plugin ie.
Can anyone help? I have spent all morning trying to get this working but am getting nowhere.
Many thanks
]]>Can anyone recommend a resource or example for how to create a custom endpoint using the acf fields?
]]>The admin notice to upgrade is not dismiss-able or properly checking option. FYI – Anyone who has WP deployed in a sub-folder, like with Roots Bedrock deploy model, will be staying on V1 until Rest API v2 supports WP as sub-folder.
it does not seem to work with v2 of the JSON API?
Kind regards
]]>Would it be possible to get all custom posts from a single category, currently it seems I can only query for a single post.