Really Simple SSL has reported this plugin for a vulnerability:
]]>This plugin works great until you see the notification it sends to your notification list:
ai_reaction_bp 30 seconds ago
That’s not very human readable for users to know what reaction they got. The hover works fine in the Fluida theme, so I’m wondering what’s required to replace the above note with the actual reaction the person received.
]]>Incompatible with BuddyBoss Platform and Theme. Duplicates LIKE choices and icons do not pop up.
]]>Dear Developer! first of all, I would like to appreciate you to develop such an amazing plugin to work for BuddyPress activity reactions. It’s really superb and I use it at my social network community website, but, there is a major flaw in this plugin that this plugin executes too many queries when pages load so page load time increased dramatically and cause the slow website to load.
I check my website loading speed in both ways, I checked before installing this plugin and after installing this plugin and count queries that execute at a specific page that, before installing this plugin queries count is 275 and after activating this plugin queries increase to 530 and page load time increase and cup consumption becomes high, so I am sorry to say I have to deactivate this plugin due to slow speed.
So my suggestion is please update this plugin for the new WordPress version and make it lightweight so that we could install and use this superb plugin.
I hope you consider this request.
Thank you and regards
I’m interested but … 2 years without update O_o ?!?
]]>Hello there,
where found the pro version?
Thank you.
I don’t receive any notification when liking or reacting to a post in the activity stream.
Is there any solution helping to get reaction notifications?
Thanks & Regards
]]>Is this for the groups and activity stream as well?
]]>This plugin was working fine for us up until a few weeks ago. Now there is a black square on posts where they used to be able to choose an emoticon.
]]>I want to add my own reactions and be able to edit the existing ones. How can I go about it?
]]>I have what I hope is an easy question. I see that there have been no replies in the last three months but here’s hoping…
The only problem I have with this plugin is when there is a visitor to my page and they are NOT logged in, then the “Like” still shows. If you click on it nothing happens except you get the spinning circle.
How do I make sure that the Like is not visible unless the user is logged in?
]]>Hi guys,
I want to remove custom notification create by Activity Reaction for BP because this plugin just conflict with WP-Ulike on Buddypress and notification just show BLANK.
So how to remove Notification from Reaction on Buddypress.
I like this plugin, but the icons are now showing correctly in Chrome and Firefox, when hovering ‘like’ for an activity.
WP 4.9.7
BP 3.1.0
Activity reactions: 1.0.22
Hi all you guys,
I have a site with wpforo forum and buddypress integrated , myCRED plugin for points systems./
I’m using WP-Ulike for like function but in last version, it was conflicted make Buddypress notification work not correctly.
So I looking for a new plugin for Like function, Activity Reactions have same point. So I wanna use it but no custom hooks for reactions function.
So anyone can make a custom hooks for reward or deduct myCRED points when interact with Activity Reactions on BuddyPress.
Please help me!
I probably will come up with my own solution before you read this but the reactions run vertically in the MesoColumn theme too.
]]>Is it legal to create a WordPress BuddyPress website using plugins like “BP Activity Share”and “Activity reactions For Buddypress”? As these plugins create share and reaction functionality just like Facebook.
]]>Anyone have an idea on how to fix this since its a php file being called in?
Refused to apply style from ‘’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
]]>How can I do to translate the plugin to my language (Spanish Mexico)?
I can’t seem to comment on previous unresolved ticket:
This functionality is provided by adjusting the following lines in class/class.php:
add_filter( ‘bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user’, ‘ai_bp_reaction_custom_format_buddypress_notifications’ , 1, 8 );
function ai_bp_reaction_custom_format_buddypress_notifications(
$action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = ‘string’,
$component_action_name, // Duplicated so plugins can check the canonical action name.
$custom_link = bp_activity_get_permalink( $item_id) . ‘?’ . ‘nid=’ . $nid;
Any chance of an update including this would be great? Thanks.
]]>Love your work! Please keep going! This breaks the post or submit button for posts.
Refused to apply style from ‘’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
ai_bp_reactions_custom.js?ver=4.9.4:71 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).tipsy is not a function
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (ai_bp_reactions_custom.js?ver=4.9.4:71)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
(index):1 Refused to apply style from ‘’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
]]>This plugin is not properly prepared for localization (View detailed logs on Slack). If you would like to translate this plugin, please contact the author.
Bug: After changing the theme and deactivating each plugin, I realize that your plugin blocks all navigation (only) front-end
suggestion: to be able to change / add icons and terms in other language
please how can i replace the thumbs up emoji and remove it from default and maybe replace it with the Love emoji
]]>I see 2 reactions plugins from the same developer: you ??
They both seem to do something very similar, but 1. is for posts and pages only, and 2. is for buddypress only. I have installed plugin 2., and when I like an activity under buddypress, I’d assume (!) that the item/post/page/media is also liked under wordpress. This appears to be not the case. Is there some way these 2 plugins can talk to one another and agree on this?
Thanks for any helpful feedback here.
]]>hello , i get this error in console
stylesheet could not be loaded /wp-admin/admin-ajax.phpaction=cai_bp_reactions_dynamic_css
any help please?
Hi everybody,
Im getting an 400 Bad Request error after installing the plugin.
Error 400 : …/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ai_bp_reaction_dynamic_css
Any tips to correct this error ?
Thank you
]]>Plugin works just fine with computer/Chrome. However when plugin is activated, ‘comments’ and ‘remove’ buttons doesn’t work, when using mobile phone.
Any tips or tricks?
My theme is Buddyapp.
Thank you for the plugin, love the idea! But it’s currently not working properly on Quest theme, all the smileys seem to be “stacked one on top of another”, so it looks like only 1 smiley is displaying.
Please can you help? Thank you.
There is no pot file in the plugin files, how do we translate the plugin into French please ?
]]>Please add this FIX to class.php l.1080 to avoid error when no user logged in
add_action('wp_footer', 'ai_footer_custom_codes');
function ai_footer_custom_codes()
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
//FIX: avoid error when not logged in
if (! $user_id){return;}