Rating: 4 stars
Although not tested with the latest version of WP, I can report that this plugin has not broken anything. (Caveat: I have not tried the carousel option, just the single post option.)
I must disagree with the previous poster about the links: if one links the title, then you get hyperlinked (colored) text, and I prefer the “read more” link that the plugin has. Also, if you set the image to link, but your post does not have an image, that might create issues.
Pros: Free, does what it says it will, and didn’t break my site. Doesn’t pester the user with ads or other “offers.”
Cons: I would like the option to float the image left, but cannot find a way to do that and my query to the developer went unanswered. Also, it would be nice if the plugin would highlight the latest post automatically, but it does not; you have to manually change the content of the widget when you publish your next post.
If this were a paid plugin, I would give it 2 stars for lack of automation, options, updates, and support, but because it is free — and you get what you pay for — it gets four stars.
(P.S. Ryan, I’m the type who actually hits the donate button when something helps me, so your lack of response to my simple query is disheartening. It makes me believe your plugin has been abandoned.)
]]>Rating: 3 stars
Does what it claims very well, but since in the blog-type layouts the title and image usually link to the post It feels counter-intuitive that this plugin doesn’t do that.