I was able to manually reactivate it and all is well again.
I understand it’s discontinued. But it’s a shame this was delisted because it is going to break a lot of sites, which is a responsibility I would not want on my shoulders.
]]>I have a problem with the FAQs; they are inserted in more parts of the site … for example you can find them in the page GIPENT / RICERCA
when I open the FAQ with symbol + it inserts a lot of white space before I can see the text.
I investigated the issue and determined that it is caused by Add Meta Tags plugin since it adds some meta tags before the text. That is why there was the empty space. I have deactivated it and now the issue is sorted.
How can I solve?
thank you
]]>Hi George,
It’s Vishal here from Tyche Softwares. We are a premium WooCommerce plugin provider based in India.
I would be interested in adopting the development of this plugin. Is that something you would be keen on doing? I see that the plugin is not updated since a year, and some attention to it would only help.
You can check our current plugin portfolio at: https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/tychesoftwares#content-plugins .
Let me know your thoughts.
]]>I am trying to sign up for google G Suite email, so I can use [email protected]
I tried adding a HTML file to the MEDIA & Library, but the system did not detect the file. I guess it is impossible to contact WordPress to see if they can verify how to properly add the file.
Anyone can advise on this matter?
Much appreciated, thank you in advance!
Has anybody already found a worthy replacement for the plugin? Any recommendations?
]]>Does the plugin deprecated or not ?
]]>This function does not work. ??
]]>Good day to whom may it concern:
I understand about the support, but meanwhile I plan the migration, I wonder if someone can tell me why i can’t change the front page description.
I changed it on the dash word and saved the changes with no issues. But when I check the website, I still see the old description.
Any idea on how to solve this?
Thank you in advance for your help and interest.
I’m hoping someone will have found a solution to this. I read through the support topics, and this was reported a while back but the developer stated he could not replicate the issue. See https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-stop-site-wide-title-being-added-to-custom-title
However, now the plugin actually states that “%title%” will be added to custom titles (under the custom title field). I would like to stop this just on my front page and JUST have the custom title, not the site title added at the end.
Any ideas or clues would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry for my bad english, I use a translator online.
OK, I add my Hrefs coder in a full meta tags box, but not run.
I check too “see the font page code” and I cant find the codes…. I dont know why, but not run.
My codes:
<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.pawsitivedoggy.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://soyunperro.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://www.pawsitivedoggy.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="https://www.pawsitivedoggy.com/" />
and reciprocal
<link rel="canonical" href="https://soyunperro.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://soyunperro.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://www.pawsitivedoggy.com/" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="https://www.pawsitivedoggy.com/" />
You can see my web:
and here
some screenshots
Why not run?
I chek here too: https://flang.dejanseo.com.au/
Can you help me?
]]>George, thank you for your wonderful plugin. It has been working fine for me up until now. Today, in the “Meta Data Setting” page under “Publisher Settings” i filled in the “Google+ publisher profile URL:” and “Twitter publisher username:” options. However, these meta tags to not appear in the header of any of my pages.
I did read about publisher being an issue, but from what I understood it applied to the open org xml.
Are the twitter and publisher tags only going to appear on new pages? (Though I did try creating a new page and they still were not created.)
Note, my site is all pages, no posts.
Thoughts? Suggestions? And thank you.
I’ve been using the Add Meta Tags Plugin for quite awhile. But recently I realized that I need a headline and description Custom Schema.org JSON data.
Authors may wish to consider, if I am willing to donate small amounts to author a plugin support is growing. (Sorry if I write makes you hard to understand, I’m not good at English.)
Thank you!
Here is my issue :
I fill the meta title et meta description boxes when I’m about to post a new article. But they do not appear in the code.
Does someone have a solution to fix this ?
Thanks in advance,
]]>I have been working on a website and having some trouble removing the date in the Google results – the one right before the description. I have tried almost all of the fixes posted online and now think maybe there is a setting in this plugin that could be affecting the website results.
If someone has any input, please share. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!
]]>Since the release of v2.11.0, the developer no longer provides support for Add-Meta-Tags on any support channel (Github issue tracker, www.ads-software.com forums, email or social media). Please do not contact the developer for support.
If the FAQ or the documentation on the wiki is not enough for you, then please consider using other plugins or hiring someone to resolve any problems you have encountered. The developer is not available for hire.
I have recently installed Add Meta Tags to two websites so I can manually add “alternate” tags for the 2 country specific domains however they don’t seem to be showing in the source code properly. The tags should be’
<link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”ENTER_LOCALE_HERE” href=”ENTER_PAGE_URL_HERE” />
However when hreflang is present, it doesn’t show anywhere in the source code. When hreflang is just lang or removed, it shows perfectly fine. I have had a look through other plugins used and checked there settings, even disabled them for testing but still cannot seem to find the issue?
I was wondering if there was a solution to this, something I am doing wrong or a possible conflict somewhere?
]]>I just installed Add Meta Tags Version 2.10.12.
I am running the Divi 2.7.1 theme.
I filled in the title, keywords, and description tags on the home edit page https://christopherbrennan.com/
Why isn’t Add Meta Tags overriding the WordPress default title tag?
Thank you.
Here’s a bit of the source code:
<!– BEGIN Metadata added by the Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin –>
<meta name=”description” content=”Christopher Mark Brennan paints high contrast photo-realism, including auto, motorcycle, still life, portraits and sci-fi art.” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”art, oil painting, oil on canvas, photo-realism, automobiles, motorcycles, neo-realism, science fiction, portraits, still life, christopher mark brennan, christopher brennan, chris brennan santa barbara, california” />
<!– END Metadata added by the Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin –>
<title>Christopher Mark Brennan | Just another WordPress site</title>
]]>I recently installed and activated the add meta tags plugin. I set up all the meta tags on all my pages, posts, products, and such. Within a little while all my live photos weren’t displaying on my live site but I could see them in the editor. I deactivated the plugin and no change. I then deleted the plugin and all its files and my photos were then displaying. Not sure how this plugin would cause this.
]]>Hi when I analyse the seo meta tags on external services I get the error “Your page does not utilize Microformats.” even though the microdata has been enabled in the settings.
thank you!
How can I exclude the meta data from a particular page? Is there a filter that would do that?
]]>I have a static page as my site’s home page and saw that the dublin core meta tags don’t display on it. How can I get those to display?
They also don’t seem to display on my custom post type archive pages, but they do on the inidividual custom post pages. Thanks.
]]>This is just a little update about the upcoming 2.10.10 release. Free time has been almost non existent lately, so the release had to be delayed for some weeks.
I’m afraid the image selector (javascript-based selection of the default image or of the image used in the global image override field) I had promised to some users might not make it into this release, but will be planned for 2.10.11. This is because I have to study it a little more and figure out what would be the most WordPress way of doing it. Javascript is nowhere near being my thing, so reinventing things in that area does not seem efficient at all.
Nevertheless, I’ll start working on the rest of the bug fixes again tonight and will try to roll out the new release within the weekend.
If there is anything I’ve missed, now is the time to report it, so as to get it fixed for 2.10.10.
I’m setting this post as sticky, but feel free to add feedback below.
Kind Regards,
Thanks for your plugin ??Add Meta Tags?? it save me a lot of time.
I would like to make some suggestion to your plugin so it will be solid for Webmasters, that use News and AMP.
1 – I suggest that you add a new schema to your plugin called ?NewsArticles?, and if its possible, give the user the option to enable and disable the schema type ?NewsArticles? in plugin configuration, its very important for webmaster that are index in Google News, or have a news website.
2 – Adding schema NewsArticles in posts can help correct erros by the AMP plugin in WordPress directory
3 – There is no plugin that add NewsArticles schema to posts in WordPress, it will help a lot for News Website, and for the plugin Accelerated Mobile Pages Project AMP.
4 – You can also create an Add-on for the official AMP plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/amp/) that can help correct the AMP schema erros.
Best regards.
Im using Polylang for my multilingual site. How do I set different keywords for different languages?
]]>How to remove meta property=”article:author?
Thank, and congratulations for plugin. Great work!
I recently tried to add a global meta to the dialog on the settings page and while is showed up, Google Structured Data Tool did not pick it up, as I force JSON+LD. So I added the following to my code:
// add-meta-tags publisher add LinkedIn, YouTube
function my_publisher_extra($metadata_arr) {
$metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = 'linkedin link';
$metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = 'youtube link';
return $metadata_arr;
Now Google Structure Data Tool sees everything. The example in the guide (https://www.codetrax.org/projects/wp-add-meta-tags/wiki/Common_Metadata_Customization_Recipes) shows using meta tags not JSON+LD.
It would be great if the social media links could be extended to at least include Youtube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. It would be ideal if we could add our own to the list. Sort of a global dialog that shows up as sameAs within JSON+LD.
– Edward
I’ve updated the plugin then uninstalled the update because I had problems with thirsty affiliate links redirected to 500 error and I couldn’t login anymore to my website.(I had a problem with htacces but is is resolved and has nothing to do with add-meta-tags plugin).
My worpdress version installed is 4.4.2
My add-meta-tags version installed is 2.10.7 (2.10.9 uninstalled)
All my other plugin are updated and my site running perfectly.
I noticed on my hosting that I still have PHP version 4.4, do I need to update this version prior to update the Add-Meta-tags plugin?
This plugin does not spit out code that will Validate via a W3C validater. This small chunk of code for functions.php will fix that:
function my_plugins_loaded() {
// add-meta-tags changes
// add-meta-tags changes
function my_add_og_xml_namespace ($content) {
return ' xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns# fb: https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" ' . $content;
In effect it is removing the language_attributes filter added by add-meta-tags and replacing it with W3C validated text that does the same thing but passes the tests.
Other than this easy to fix issue, I really like the plugin! Need to play some more.
]]>If an attachment ID is entered in any field that expects an image URL, there is currently a known issue caused by a WordPress sanitization function which prepends the scheme http(s)://
to the ID. This will be fixed in the next release and also an image selection dialog will be implemented.
]]>I see that AMT adds several “contact info” options to every user’s profile now (e.g. Twitter author username (AMT), Facebook author profile URL (AMT), and Google+ author profile URL (AMT)). Can you add an option to disable or hide the “URLs of author profiles on social networks” fields?
I can do with with a plugin and some jQuery or CSS, but since this plugin adds several fields to every user’s profile, it would be good to have an option to turn it off and disable it from within the plugin, rather than making the admin find a way to override it. Thanks.