The ability to upload csv files still works fine, but the Add From Network function now returns an error and no longer works.
]]>I only had 21 users to import, and the plugin gave me a server error. Luckily I found another one that worked perfectly.
]]>I want to add an additional field for a plugin called BBpress digest so that I can include the digest setting in the CV file I upload. How do I do that?
I’m likely going to be coding an enhancement to AMU to allow bulk adding of users from one specific site to another. Wondering if you’d incorporate it into the plugin if we provide a patch. Looking forward to hearing from you,
]]>Exactly as it says. I test with several sized batches and 500 seems to be the limit.
I also added the timeout statement to the config file.
]]>How can I do to replace and merge existing user info, I’ve export all users and edit in excel then when I try to update that info my existing users aren’t update with new information, somebody could help me?
]]>Has anyone tested this on WordPress 4.0?
]]>Thank you for the awesome plugin! However, a large bug caught me by surprise (and sent a bogus email to a lot of people):
Under the settings under CSV Column Ordering, currently Dynamic Sorting is the only mode that works! Other modes will send an email without a username or first or last name, and the password will be random.
I tried uploading a handful of users using the fields “user_email,first_name,last_name,username,password” in all of the other ordering modes and experienced this (including adding that line at the top of the CSV). Dynamic Sorting was the only mode that had the proper result.
]]>I’ve uploaded my new users, but they don’t show up in the User section or in the AMU section? How do I access them to make changes, or change roles, etc.?
]]>Hi there:
Your plugin is EXACTLY what we need, but we can’t get it to function.
We are running WP multi sites, and for each site, we need to add a list of new users after its created. Some of these lists will eventually be several hundred names, and manually adding them all takes way too long.
When we import or paste in the CSV data, the plugin says it recognizes the correct number of lines, and when you go to the User Form – all that data is populated correctly, but once you click Add All Users – you get a message saying all users were added – but only the first in the list is actually created as a user.
I’ve tried every way I can thing of with the exact same result.
]]>Importing user(from CSV without form)where last_name contains an apostrophe (example: “O’Brien”). When import is complete, any display of user’s last name (such as the user editor) is “O\’Brien.” Examining the database table, the name is also entered there as “O\’Brien.”
Repeating import but using the form, last name as shown after loading CSV is also “O\’Brien”. Removing the backslash (“O’Brien”)results in name entered properly in database.
WORKAROUND: Can edit the offending name either in user editor or by editing SQL records and manually remove backslash, which works OK if you’ve only got a small number of affected records. If importing a large list of Irish and Scotsmen, it can become a bit much. ??
]]>Currently, the log report generated post CSV submission does not include a user email or username for records which already exist.
Here’s the output:
6. Error: a user with this user_login already exists. This user was not registered.
It would be more helpful if some user specific information was included for reference:
6. Error: a user with this user_login ( already exists. This user was not registered.
This is consistent with how duplicate user emails are reported.
Here’s the code in question:
from functions/commonfn.php (322):
if(username_exists($this->user_login)) {
$newid = __('Error: a user with this user_login already exists. This user was not registered.','amulang');
Should be changed to:
sprintf( __( ''Error: a user with this user_login (%s) already exists. This user was not registered.', 'amulang' ), $$this->user_login );
The POT message would also need to change to match this, but this format handles parameters. For your reference, see
]]>I was testing out this addon, as it was something I needed.
I set all users to be added as subscribers, then I added three test users. Immediately after I added them I was kicked out of my administrator account and made a subscriber. The other administrator was also reduced to subscriber. It cost our company 300 dollars so far to have someone try to recover it. Even now our administrator accounts are messed up and I still do not have access to users or plugins.
Very disappointed. Would highly recommend caution with this plugin!!
]]>Whenever I import multiple users and select the role field the ‘Role’ always defaults to ‘None’. I have tried including an actual role set in AAM. It shows up in the form when I import but after importing Role shows ‘None’ under Users….
Under the AMU plugin settings I have also tried setting the default role for Ignore individual User Role settings and set all new users to this role:
Nothing seems to work. Is this a bug?
we have in WordPress some custom userfields.
can I import the content of these custom fields too?
With a help from my colleague, we finally fixed the email handling, so you can stylize the email sent to users as you wish. There’s forum posts out there, but they’re all closed, so I add it here.
Go find the commonfn.php file and remove this line:
$userEmailMsg = get_option('amu_useremailtext');
Then add this one instead:
$userEmailMsg = stripslashes(get_option('amu_useremailtext'));
You’re good to go!
Emin ??
I’ve tried to import users with this plugin, but it only imports User login and user pass. Other data such as user first name, user last name are not imported. It does show this data in the form before importing and it all looks good. It gives no error message. It just doesnt import first and last name, user url, etc.
I’ve tried it with different WP versions, did a clean install on a new subdomain, but it never worked. Any ideas on this?
Thanks a lot.
I need to add about 60.000 users and the plugin seems to go timed out…How can I do?
I’ve already add this code set_time_limit(0); as suggested, but not working.
Thank you! ??
Thanks for the wonderful plugin!!
Is there an API out there that we can used to auto-register users once they sign up for our external system, e.g. Mailchimp list?
All of the fields have errors referencing the same file just different lines.
Predefined Column Ordering:
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/nfs/c04/h11/mnt/12345/domains/site/html/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/settings.php</b> on line <b>258</b>
Next to user URL:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c04/h11/mnt/12345/domains/site/html/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/settings.php on line 289
I would like to send simple emails to people using AMU valid shortcodes: [sitename] [siteurl] [siteloginurl] [username] [password] [useremail] [fromreply]
As is, using your plugin , I’m able to send email notification when user(s) is added created under (New User Notification Email).
How can I send others emails using the same shortcodes ?
i’m importing data via CSV, and i’m telling it where “first name” and “last name” is, but when it imports and creates the users, the first name and last name fields are left blank.
all other data is imported is imported fine though (username, password, role, nickname, display name, email)
i get no errors during the import.
any thoughts?
]]>I”ve run 5 prior successful tests with similar files from client. the first attempt to run an import of actual users (81 in the .csv file). returned error:
Add Multiple Users – Import CSV Data
Unknown request. Please choose the CSV Import option from the menu.
then, after 15 min. or so, i received confirmation email with all 81 had been imported successfully. The MySql db is correct, so main problem is error message after import.
I used the same file after deleting all but one record, and changing the record data to new name and email. This import was successful.
Would like to get this fixed as we have more imports. total of 350.
many thanks,
I have seen this being asked a few times so here is the solution to add the first_name of user as a shortcode to be used within the notification email:
Open /add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php
Search for:
$emailkeywords = array('[sitename]', '[siteurl]', '[siteloginurl]', '[username]', '[password]', '[useremail]', '[fromreply]');
$emailreplaces = array($thisBlogName, '<a href="'.$thisBlogUrl.'">'.$thisBlogUrl.'</a>','<a href="'.$thisLoginUrl.'">'.$thisLoginUrl.'</a>', $this->user_login, $this->user_pass, $to, $userfromreply);
Replace with:
$emailkeywords = array('[sitename]', '[siteurl]', '[siteloginurl]', '[username]', '[password]', '[useremail]', '[fromreply]', '[user_first_name]');
$emailreplaces = array($thisBlogName, '<a href="'.$thisBlogUrl.'">'.$thisBlogUrl.'</a>','<a href="'.$thisLoginUrl.'">'.$thisLoginUrl.'</a>', $this->user_login, $this->user_pass, $to, $userfromreply, $this->first_name);
I hope that the developer of this plugin continues to develop it, it is very useful indeed.
You can now use the shortcode [user_first_name] in your email form.
On my multi-site I would like to give the site Admins the option to add users but only as a few specific custom rolls.
Can the drop-down options list be edited to only show selected rolls? For example I don’t want them to be able to add users as other Admins.
I’m referring to when using the “Add from Network” page.
Is that possible?
Thank you,
]]>Is it possible to add the feature of updating existing users to this fabulous plugin?
many thanks,
eve lurie
[email protected]
I loaded 2 via email loader like this:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Then for some reason, I can no longer admin my site.
If I login, I am not admin. I am just a regular user.
I looked in wp-config.php and in there are a un pw pair.
I try them, but that doesn’t let me login at all.
I can get into mysql and see wp-users. Perhaps I can fix it there?
Whats the easiest way for me to become admin again?
Thanks for helping!
Thanks for the helpful plugin. I modified it slightly to include a BuddyPress profile link in the verification e-mail sent upon registration. It may be something you want to include or not. Here are the changes:
For example, within csvimport.php
, I changed line 274 to
$newUser->amuSendUserEmail( $new_id );
(this would need to be fixed in several files)
Then in amuSendUserEmail()
line 435 of commonfn.php
$bp_profile = ( function_exists( 'bp_is_active' ) ? bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ) : 'BuddyPress is not active.' );
and lines 444 & 445:
$emailkeywords = array('[sitename]', '[siteurl]', '[siteloginurl]', '[username]', '[password]', '[useremail]', '[fromreply]', '[bp-profile]' );
$emailreplaces = array($thisBlogName, '<a href="'.$thisBlogUrl.'">'.$thisBlogUrl.'</a>','<a href="'.$thisLoginUrl.'">'.$thisLoginUrl.'</a>', $this->user_login, $this->user_pass, $to, $userfromreply, $bp_profile );
With WP_DEBUG turned on this module prints out alot of warnings. Fixes below.
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/settings.php on line 289-301
In the above file change the given lines from
if(is_object($setting) && $setting->
Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/csvimport.php on line 152
$allowedExtensions = array("txt","TXT","csv","CSV");
if (!in_array(end(explode(".", strtolower($_FILES['csvuploader']['name']))), $allowedExtensions)) {
$fileExtension = explode(".", strtolower($_FILES['csvuploader']['name']));
$fileExtension = end($fileExtension);
if (!in_array($fileExtension, $allowedExtensions)) {
Notice: Undefined variable: classes in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php on line 127,131
$classes == '';
$classes = '';
Notice: Undefined property: amuUserObject::$user_url in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php on line 363
if($this->user_url && $this->user_url !== '') {
if($this->user_url && !empty($this->user_url) && $this->user_url !== '') {
Notice: Undefined property: amuUserObject::$user_registered in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php on line 366
if($this->user_registered && $this->user_registered !== '') {
if($this->user_registered && !empty($this->user_registered) && $this->user_registered !== '') {
Notice: Undefined property: amuUserObject::$user_nicename in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php on line 369
if($this->user_nicename && $this->user_nicename !== '') {
if($this->user_nicename && !empty($this->user_nicename) && $this->user_nicename !== '') {
Notice: Undefined property: amuUserObject::$display_name in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php on line 372
if($this->display_name && $this->display_name !== '') {
if($this->display_name && !empty($this->display_name) && $this->display_name !== '') {
I too am having trouble uploading cvs files, with errors listing cvsimport.php line 168 and 169.
Background: downloaded and tested AMU without any problem initially, then added the “Members” plug in, which did create a bigger menu for roles and experienced CVS upload issues after that; tried the fixes listed in the ‘Issue with roles and custom role names’ post just to be safe, but continue to get the same errors as above.
Any thoughts or suggestions for a relative amateur?