Just trying to find out if this is supposed to still work and if the author would be so kind as to maybe explain what the difference is between this plugin and this solution: https://www.ads-software.com/ideas/topic/add-rel-or-class-to-image-links#post-23806
that link suggest this code which works perfectly for me so I was curious if this plugin is better or offers any advantage?
add_filter('the_content', 'addlightboxrel_replace');
function addlightboxrel_replace ($content)
{ global $post;
$pattern = "/<a(.*?)href=('|\")(.*?).(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png)('|\")(.*?)>/i";
$replacement = '<a$1rel="lightbox[%LIGHTID%]" href=$2$3.$4$5$6</a>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
$content = str_replace("%LIGHTID%", $post->ID, $content);
return $content;
Added rel=”lightbox” to an tag in a portfolio posts. There is no change nor lightbox image.
]]>My lightbox uses the title of to feed the caption of the pictures.
Since wordpress 3.9 release, the field “titre du lien” n’existe plus.
I am obliged tu report the directly in the html code of the picture of the post.
Have you a solution?
Sorry for my poor englih…
Thank you
]]>Im using this plugin in conjunction with “Slimbox” and “Page Links To”.
is there anyways that I can show multiple images from one portfolio post.
I have different portfolio posts and in each one there are often more than one image.
I have no knowledge of coding but if you guide me I might be able to do it.
]]>Hi -im having issues with slimbox2 not working on images with coded on php shortcodes -it only works on html identifiable links -can this plugin help me get the slimbox plugin to work on featured images?
thanks in advance.
I don’t think this plugin is working with WordPress 3.5.
If images were uploaded and inserted into posts PRIOR to the WP upgrade, they still open in a lightbox…but new images have a problem. It seems like that when this plugin is activated in WordPress 3.5, it prevents the “link URL” field from “sticking”. I link to the file, save…but it doesn’t open in a lightbox. When I check the image link, it has been erased from image.
I love this plugin! Any chance it will be updated for 3.5?
]]>I would like to use this plugin when I have the gallery tag embed’ed into a template instead of normal usage within a post. What would I have to add to my functions file for this to work?
]]>Hello, I was using your plugin v0.3 with great happiness. I upgraded WP and several plugins, and got a problem:
Line breaks as well as paragraphs marks show in the admin mode (I mean, both in edit and HTML mode my text comes with a line break, although I dont see the <p> or
characters), but they do not render at all in the texts on the front office.
For some reasons, changing the theme would sometimes fix it.
I contacted the theme creator who tested the theme in some instances and did not find the problem. The theme though does alter the content filter.
I checked in mySQL database – I use UTF8 , the code does not include the charachters but the breaks.
I disabled all other plugins that also may deal with WPauto (which I guess is responsible for that) but still ahd the problem: Ultimate Tiny MCE, Types, Exec PHP code widget, Leaflet maps marker, alo easymail….
Finally, I found desactivating add_rel_lightbox would solve the issue… and reverting to version 0.3 too!
So that is what I did.
But I mean to mention it to you as there may be a problem with the new encoding… or some configurations like mine!
Thanks for the work
]]>This is almost exactly what I was looking for — I didn’t want my client to have to manually code in rel=”lightbox”, because I know they won’t.
However, I see that the code also groups ALL the images on one page. I can’t have this for my current website’s pages, so sadly I’m not able to use this plugin. ??
Are there any workarounds to this by any chance?
– C.
]]>I get this error when searching with relevanssi (a search that will return result with images):
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier ‘C’ in \wp-content\plugins\add-rel-lightbox\add_rel_lightbox.php on line 61
Any idea?
When does the rel attribute get included?
On publish/save? Is it also working if editor set rel attribute via MediaLibrary?
For me the plugin is not working currently.